Prices in Armenia - food, souvenirs, transport. How much money to take to Armenia

Prices in Armenia

Prices in Armenia

Prices in Armenia are low, which means that representatives of any class can spend their holidays here..

Shopping and souvenirs

As part of a shopping tour to Armenia, you can buy clothes, national drinks, technical innovations, bijoux and precious jewelry. At your service - various shops, boutiques, small shops, markets, malls, shopping centers. If your goal is to get an antique rug, go to the huge flea market for it. “Vernissage”, located in Yerevan.

In memory of your vacation in Armenia, it is worth bringing:

  • products made of ceramics, clay, glass, wood and lace, jewelry, carpets with national patterns (their price can reach several thousand dollars), copper Turks “jazve”, caskets inlaid with mother-of-pearl, precious metals and ornamental stones, dolls dressed in national costumes, backgammon;
  • cognac (“Armenian”, “Noah”, “Ararat”, “Sayat Nova”), wine, spring water, sweets, spices.

In Armenia, you can buy cheese from $ 3, spices and herbs - from $ 2 / bag, ceramic teapot - from $ 10, coral products - from $ 9, high-quality Armenian brandy - from $ 16.

Excursions and entertainment

On a walking tour of Yerevan, you will walk around the city and visit the State Museum of History of Armenia, a carpet factory, the Museum of Genocide and other sights. This 3-hour excursion costs approximately $ 25.

On an excursion to Gyumri, you will get acquainted with the picturesque Armenian city: walking along the old streets, you will not only hear the sound of a blacksmith's hammer, but also see the Church of the Holy Mother of God, visit the A. Mravyan Drama Theater, stroll through the Central Park of the city. The approximate cost of the excursion is $ 40.

You can see how Armenian brandy is produced and taste the famous drink by visiting the Yerevan Brandy Factory. Approximate cost - 15 $.

The whole family should go to the Water World water park, where large and children's slides, a bungee cart, various attractions, swimming pools, a VIP-zone, cafes, restaurants, and a jacuzzi will be waiting for you. Approximate entry cost - $ 15-20.


Travel by metro and by bus will cost you $ 0.2, by shuttle taxi - $ 0.2-0.3, taxi - $ 0.4-0.7 per kilometer (the price should be agreed with the driver in advance, since it depends on travel time and direction).

In the case of an economical vacation in Armenia, you will manage to keep within $ 20-30 per day for 1 person, and for a more comfortable stay you will have to spend about $ 50 per day for 1 person.


  • Prices in Armenia
  • Prices in Armenia
  • Prices in Armenia