Traditions of Armenia - customs, photo
Armenian traditions

The ancient history and rich traditions of Armenia attract more and more guests and tourists to the country of stones and apricots. Very hospitable people live here, for whom everyone who steps over the threshold of their house with an open heart becomes close and dear.
Family values
In the Armenian family, the main and undoubted authority is the man. His word here is law, and his opinion is the only correct one. However, a wise and tactful Armenian woman will always find a way to make her vision of the situation miraculously "coincide" with the opinion of her husband, and therefore there are rarely quarrels and scandals in Armenian families..
Children, according to the tradition of Armenia, honor and respect their elders and instantly fulfill any of their wishes or requests. Old people in an Armenian family are the most respected people and their authority is indisputable.
In the old days, the parents agreed on the wedding of the young, and the children could only silently agree with their opinion. Today, the younger generation of Armenians more and more often finds their soul mate on their own, but every family is still encouraged to have only Armenian blood flowing in the veins of a daughter-in-law or son-in-law..
Guest on the doorstep
Greeting and receiving guests on a grand scale is one of the most famous traditions of Armenia. For those who visit this region for the first time, it may seem that in every house the table is constantly laid. Accept the invitation to visit an Armenian family without a doubt - this way you can make good friends for the rest of your life..
Armenians put on the table all the best that is in the house. Their feast can last for many hours, but with conversations, toasts, interesting stories and stories about their native land, time will fly by..
Useful little things
- When traveling to Armenia, do not hesitate to ask the locals for help. Armenians are always willing to give directions, recommend a restaurant or a hotel, advise where to buy souvenirs or what to see in their hometown.
- Representatives of the younger generation, especially in the outback, speak Russian less and less, but their parents know and remember the language that once united the representatives of fifteen republics of the USSR.
- When traveling to ancient temples, observe the dress code, despite the fact that most of them are no longer active. Armenian traditions recommend covering a woman's head in holy places and removing a man's headdress.
- Do not develop in conversations the topic of relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan, so as not to cause negative emotions in the interlocutors.