Islands of Asia
Asia is considered the largest part of the world. Having united with Europe, it forms the continent of Eurasia. Asia today is the largest developing region on the planet. Geographically, this part of the world includes the islands located off its coast. Their total area is more than 2 million square meters. km.
a brief description of
The islands of Asia are concentrated mainly in the southeastern part of it. There is the largest archipelago in the world - the Malay archipelago. It includes the islands of Small and Large Sunda, Philippine, Moluccas, etc. The exception is the island of New Guinea, which is part of Oceania.
The largest islands in Asia: Japanese, Kuril, Hainan, Taiwan, Sakhalin. Of these land areas, the largest area is the island of Honshu. It is the third largest Asian island. In the Indian Ocean, in the southern part of Asia, there is a large land area designated as Sri Lanka. Small islands are located nearby: Andaman, Maldives, etc. In the same ocean, the Socotra archipelago, which belongs to Yemen, is located.
There are small islands in the southwest of Asia, in the Red Sea. The famous island of Cyprus is located in the Mediterranean Sea, in the eastern part of Asia. Despite its position, it has a European culture. North Asia is washed by the Arctic Ocean. There are such archipelagos as the Novosibirsk Islands and Severnaya Zemlya. Large islands close to the mainland are the Great Sunda, Japanese, Sri Lanka, Sakhalin, Severnaya Zemlya, Hainan, etc..
The most popular islands in Asia
Tourists are in a hurry to visit Thailand, Phuket. This is the most popular island resort in the country. There are beautiful beaches, entertainment venues, parks, gardens, Buddhist temples. Phuket is connected to the mainland by a bridge. Boracay is a popular island in the Philippines. It is known for its perfect beaches. A good holiday is possible on the Hainan Island in China. Malaysia became famous for the unique island of Langkawi, which is located in an archipelago of 100 land areas. Developed infrastructure is combined there with ecologically clean nature.
Climatic conditions
In Asia, almost all known climatic zones are distinguished, from the arctic to the equatorial. The eastern and southern regions lie in a monsoon climate. Western and Central Asia is affected by the desert and semi-desert climate. A tropical desert climate is observed in the southwestern region. On the Arctic islands of Asia, there are northern tundras and deserts, framed in the south by forest-tundra. To the south are taiga regions.