How long is the flight from Sofia to Moscow? Time of flight Sofia - Moscow

How long is the flight from Sofia to Moscow?

On vacation in Sofia, you could see the Banya Bashi mosque, the Cyril and Methodius library, the ancient fortress of Serdika, visit the City Art Gallery, hike Vitosha Mountain, orchestral concerts in the National Palace of Culture, spend time in the club “Cleopatra” and “Yalta Club”, Borisov Gradina park and amusement park “Sofia land”? And now you need to get information about the flight to Moscow?

How long to fly from Sofia to Moscow (direct flight)?

1700 km - the remoteness of the capital of Bulgaria from Moscow (you will find yourself at home 3 hours after takeoff). So, a flight on an aircraft at the disposal of “Bulgaria Air” will take 3 hours 5 minutes, and “Aeroflot” - less than 3 hours.

Don't know how much a ticket from Sofia to Moscow costs? Focus on the average cost of air tickets: it is 16,300 rubles (in August, June and September you can get tickets for the price of 10,200 rubles).

Flight Sofia-Moscow with transfers

If necessary, transfers can be made in Belgrade, Bucharest, Vienna, Athens, Munich, Oslo, Larnaca, Ankara or other cities, as a result of which your trip will last from 5 to 24 hours. Connecting flights via Larnaca from “Cyprus Airways”, you will spend 4.5 hours waiting (the duration of the trip is 10.5 hours), via Bucharest and Prague with “Bulgaria Air” - 5 hours (you will fly home in 11 hours), via Munich and Oslo with “SAS” - 3 hours (the whole journey takes 9.5 hours), via Athens and Heraklion from “Aegean Airlines” - 5.5 hours (in total, the journey will last 11.5 hours), via Rome with “Alitalia” - 3 hours (you will fly home in 10.5 hours), via Belgrade from “Air Serbia” - 9.5 hours (in total, the journey will take 15.5 hours).

Choosing an air carrier

From Sofia you will take off on an aircraft (ATR 42-300, Boeing 737-700, Fokker 100, Embraer 175, Airbus A 318) owned by one of the following companies: ‘BulgariaAir”; “Aeroflot”; “SAS”; “GTK Russia”.

Check-in for the Sofia-Moscow flight is made at Sofia Airport (SOF), 5 km away from the city (minibus No. 30, buses No. 384 and 84 are available for travelers). While waiting for your flight, you can use the services of a post office, a first-aid post, ATMs, duty-free shops, catering establishments, bank representative offices, lounges “Pliska” and “Preslav” (guests here will be able to use cable TV and Wi-Fi, read the Bulgarian and foreign press, have a snack, making a choice from a large assortment of pastries and drinks).

How to entertain yourself in flight?

On the plane, it is worth deciding which of your loved ones to present with souvenirs purchased in Sofia, in the form of rose oil, bottles of brandy, homespun Bulgarian tablecloths made of fine sheep's wool, Bulgarian textiles, wooden dishes, ornamental ceramics in the traditional style, spicy herbs, colored salt, vinegar tinctures.
