Cost of living in Cambodia

Cost of living in Cambodia

The Asian paradise is sometimes called this country by tour operators and travelers who got to the mysterious jungle and saw with their own eyes the famous tombs - a dream of Lara Croft. The cost of living in Cambodia can be as surprising as the monuments of ancient civilizations..

Subtleties of rental housing

There are several nuances that make it possible to make the price of housing in this country even lower. Firstly, the period of the calendar year in which a trip to Cambodia is planned, the difference is significant between a stay during the low and high seasons. Secondly, the length of stay is inversely proportional to the cost of the rented apartment or hotel room. Thirdly, places of residence are different in terms of comfort and level of service. You can choose from the following suggested options:

  • a room in a so-called guesthouse;
  • rental apartment;
  • studio apartment with an increased level of comfort;
  • a townhouse offering even more comfortable conditions;
  • House rent.

The first option is the most economical, it costs from $ 20, since most often there is no kitchen and air conditioners, but there are minimal amenities. You can rent an apartment of any layout, with a kitchen, furniture, telephone and internet, the cost is from 15 to 400 dollars and more. It is clear that each of these points makes the rented housing more convenient, but at the same time more expensive..

Cambodia Accommodation

Considering that every year Lara Croft has more and more fans, and each of them dreams of visiting the amazing ghost town of Angkor, Cambodians have to expand their hotel base. So far, in this regard, they are lagging behind their neighbors, the Vietnamese, but they are already ready to provide decent rooms and hotels. For example, a room in a 3 * hotel with a TV, air conditioning and a beautiful view will cost $ 25 per day, a studio - $ 70, an apartment - $ 120.

Wild jungle and mysterious temples

Cambodia is interesting for Russian tourists as a vibrant Asian exotic country. Most of the guests go on an excursion to Angkor. Even the ruins of the once luxurious city are striking, in which you can still see hundreds of temple complexes, palaces and monuments..

No less interesting is the capital of the country, which has experienced many ups and downs in its long history. During the French colonization, Phnom Penh flourished and acquired a Parisian charm. Numerous wars have led to destruction and decline. At present, the townspeople are trying to return their homeland to its former greatness, restoring destroyed temples and architectural complexes, erecting new quarters. For tourists, the highlight of the excursion around Phnom Penh is the Royal Palace and the graceful «Silver pagoda».
