Coat of arms of Costa Rica: photo, meaning, description

Coat of arms of Costa Rica

Coat of arms of Costa Rica

State emblems of many countries of the world have a complex composition, many elements and symbols. But the coat of arms of Costa Rica reflects the geographical position of the country, its natural resources, as well as important events of the recent past..

Stamp geography

The state of Costa Rica is comfortably located in Central America, on the one side of its shores are washed by the waters of the Pacific Ocean, on the other - the Caribbean Sea. Such a convenient geographical position of the state could not fail to find reflection on the main official symbol. The central place on the shield is the landscape, its main heroes are the mountains and the sea.

In addition to them, important elements of the emblem of Costa Rica are:

  • sailboats;
  • rising Sun:
  • soft blue sky;
  • seven silvery stars;
  • two scrolls (one above the other), crowning the composition.

On one of the scrolls, an inscription with the name of the country - «Republic of Costa Rica», on the second there is an inscription «Central America», witness of the times when the country was part of the Central American Federation.

Mountain and marine history

The mountain peaks depicted on the coat of arms of Costa Rica exist in reality, they are the pride of local residents. Chains stretch across the country, and between them is the Central Plateau. Here are the most fertile soils and the largest concentration of the country's inhabitants.

The emblem of the country contains not only mountains, but also volcanoes, including: Arenal - the most famous volcano, Irasu - the highest in height, Mount Chirripo, which is considered the highest peak in Costa Rica.

The ocean expanses are a reminder of the country's advantageous geographical position and the fact that water resources are one of the main attractions of Costa Rica, which is a reserve country. Mountain or river valleys, volcanoes and lakes, the ocean coast, bays, grottoes and caves are protected by the state and attract many tourists.

Other symbols and signs

The rising sun is a fairly popular symbol of world heraldry. Always symbolizes the desire for light, enlightenment, wealth. On the coat of arms, the heavenly body has long bright rays. The stars represent the seven provinces that Costa Rica is divided into.

The sailboats on the coat of arms symbolize the development of navigation and tell about the country's maritime history. Gold beads adorning the edges of the shield showcase coffee, which at one time was the leading export commodity..
