Tours to Narva (Estonia). Rest in Narva: photos, tours

Tours to Narva

Tours to Narva

The first mention of this ancient Estonian settlement dates back to the 12th century, and Narva received the status of a city in the 14th century. It is considered the most Russian-speaking city in the country, and the history and local architectural landmarks serve as a good reason to book a tour to Narva and get to know the easternmost point of the Baltic state..

History with geography

The famous Narva Castle was founded in 1223 by the Danes, who advanced eastward in their campaigns of conquest and reached the territory of today's Estonia. And the first written mention of the village of Narvia is contained in the Novgorod Chronicle in 1171. From the Danes, the city passed into the possession of the Livonian principality, for the fight against which, opposite the castle across the Narva River, Ivan the Terrible ordered to build the Ivangorod fortress. Even today, Ivangorod and Narva are separated only by river banks, but the official border obstacles look much more serious and require visas and passports.

Briefly about the important

  • There is a regular bus service between the capital of Estonia and its easternmost city. Travel time will take just over three hours. The train leaves once a day and takes a little longer.
  • The climate in this part of Estonia is quite mild, with daytime temperatures rarely falling below –7 degrees even during the height of winter. In summer, the heat can reach +30, but this is rather an anomaly. Basically, participants of tours to Narva are guaranteed +25 in mid-July and August. The largest amount of precipitation falls in June-October, and therefore the best time to travel to Narva is during the spring months..
  • The historic center of the city is called Vanalinn and is home to the Cathedral and the Alexander Lutheran Church. In the cathedral, icons of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and the Mother of God Hodegetria of Narva are especially revered. They are considered miraculous and are the reason for the pilgrimage tours to Narva..
  • Narva Fortress is the best preserved among the other defensive structures in Estonia. On its territory, not only the museum is interesting, but also the existing craft workshops..
  • Having planned tours to Narva in May or August, you can become participants and spectators of the Mravinsky International Music Festival and the Historical Festival.
  • Moving around the city is possible by buses or taxis, but all the sights of Narva are located close enough to each other, and therefore it is worth taking care of comfortable shoes so that walking is a pleasure.


  • Tours to Narva