Restaurants in Germany - the best restaurants and cafes in Germany
Restaurants in Germany

According to statistics, four out of five Germans visit restaurants quite regularly, that is, they have lunch and dinner there for no particular reason. One can only envy them, because German cuisine is solid and thorough, like those who invented it. The quality of each dish is one of the undoubted merits of the inhabitants of the country that gave the world Bach, Goethe and Emmanuel Kant. When choosing restaurants in Germany that are worth visiting while traveling, you should pay attention to authentic establishments with national cuisine. This way you can get a guarantee that your dinner will be hearty and your mood will be complacent..
The foundation of the basics
German cuisine is meat in millions of ways to cook it, potatoes, sauerkraut and, of course, beer. The latter circumstance explains the popularity of German restaurants among a strong half of humanity. It is here that a picture pleasing to the male eye is so often encountered: the blonde blue-eyed Gretchen drags several liter mugs with a smile at once and at the same time manages to joke with visitors and make eyes at them.
Do not assume that this is where your acquaintance with the culinary tastes of the Germans ends. Each region here has its own characteristics, preferences and its own specialties, and therefore one should not expect a single menu in restaurants in Germany..
And it was no stranger to the leaders
The brasserie Hofbrauhaus in Munich is the perfect example of a good old restaurant in Germany. Having appeared as a court brewery in the 16th century, it will still give a hundred points ahead of any modern establishment both in popularity and in spaciousness. 2,200 people can taste the best lagers here at the same time and admire the dexterity and skill of the waitresses. At one time, neither Lenin nor Hitler could pass by the famous pub. This fact makes the institution excellent advertising, and the menu in Russian greatly simplifies the task when complex German names cease to succumb to an already well-rested traveler..
World celebrities
Huge portions, reasonable prices, a longstanding impeccable reputation and amazing stories are indispensable components of all Berlin restaurants. For example, in Zur Letzten Instanz since 1621, the menu contains the dishes "Cross-examination" and "Testimony", and the name of the institution itself is translated from German as "At the last instance". It was here, according to the creators of "Seventeen Moments of Spring", that the legendary Stirlitz met his wife's eyes.
The fifth place in the list of the most famous restaurants in the world is occupied by the Auerbach Cellar, which opened its doors to the venerable public in the 16th century in Leipzig. Goethe loved him so much that it was to the cellar hall that he transferred the action of the first part of his "Faust".