Season in Goa. When is the holiday season in Goa?

Goa season

Goa season

The smallest Indian state of Goa in terms of its area holds the record for the number of Russian tourists arriving on its shores. An increasing number of compatriots prefer not only to spend their next vacation here, but also to spend the winter on Indian beaches. The best season in Goa continues on the vast majority of days of the year, and therefore the flow of tourists towards the sea in India does not diminish.

Beach paradise

Goa's climate is subequatorial, and therefore it is always warm on the shores of the state. Two distinct seasons are not a hindrance for fans of the local beaches, but, in fairness, the weather changes are worth talking about.
The best time to spend a vacation on Goa beach is the calendar winter. Already in October, a comfortable air temperature is established here, not exceeding thirty degrees. The water in the Arabian Sea is warmed up to +28, and therefore it is especially pleasant for swimming. Rainfall during November - April is minimal, and the average number of hours of sunshine daily reaches ten. It can be cool at night, but the air temperature does not drop below +19 degrees.

Summer passions

In May, the famous rainy season begins in Goa. This month the amount of precipitation is still not so great, but the air temperature rises to +35 in the shade, and against the background of high humidity, a long stay on the beach becomes not so comfortable. The water temperature reaches +30 degrees, and the number of hours of sunshine, on the contrary, is sharply reduced. In June - August, this figure does not exceed 3-4 hours a day, but the likelihood of getting a sunburn is quite high, since UV radiation easily penetrates even through a dense veil of clouds. Even on days like these, sunscreen should not be neglected. By the way, due to its location in low latitudes, Goa is not subject to a strong change in the length of daylight hours depending on the season. Daylight hours here lasts about 12 hours both in winter and in summer.

Monsoon dominance

In June, the monsoon season begins in Goa. These winds blow from the Indian Ocean and bring heavy rainfall. Their average speed reaches 10 km / h, and the maximum speed exceeds 90 km / h. Monsoons are the main cause of high humidity, and their duration and persistence are associated with the seasonal distribution of atmospheric pressure. Monsoons are typical for tropical and subequatorial regions, and it is these winds that make the summer season in Goa rainy and not the most comfortable for a beach holiday..


  • Goa season