Resorts of India: photos, description

Resorts of India

Resorts of India

Ambiguous, unequal, unlike others, unique and distant, India has always attracted Europeans. Thanks to this craving for the unknown, seafarers discovered new countries and continents, and the ancient country today, like a magnet, pulls and pulls those thirsting for enlightenment, relaxation or just a beach holiday to its shores. Surprisingly, the vast majority of travelers still comprehend something special for themselves on the sands of Goa or Kerala. This should be borne in mind when choosing resorts in India for recreation, because you may not want to go back at all.

Always in the TOP

Indian resorts are located in the western part of the country, in the south and on the islands. Despite the seeming "wildness" and "pristine" India, hotels at each of the resorts exist for every taste, wallet size and desired degree of comfort:

  • The state of Kerala, with rocky terraces, runs into the ocean in the very south of the country, and therefore the season here lasts all year round. Lush greenery, white sand, abundant fruits and wonderful mountain landscapes are the main assets of Kerala. There are many Ayurvedic centers on local beaches, where they treat various ailments and harmonize their own "I" with the outside world..
  • Those who move to the resorts of India for a long full wintering prefer to rest in North Goa. It is not very clean here, it is not comfortable everywhere, and it is not always quiet at night, and therefore the local get-together consists of young people who only comprehend themselves, and older people who have found peace in chaos and troubled waters..
  • The southern part of Goa is the exact opposite of its northern neighbor. The hotels here are comfortable, ice is made from purified water, it is usually quiet at night, and the price tag for all services and goods does not look entirely humane. Respectable Europeans fly here, wanting to taste India, but only as a barely perceptible seasoning to the main dish of the resort civilization.
  • The Lakshadweep Islands have been chosen by divers and those who prefer the absence of any technical achievements of mankind. Only a few not very comfortable hotels and diving centers make up the infrastructure of the archipelago, but some of the inconveniences are more than offset by the extraordinary beauty of the lagoons and the high degree of privacy of the beaches..
  • You can go to the resorts of India in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands if you have received a special permit. The archipelagos are home to several national parks, whose territories are carefully protected. Privacy, environmental friendliness and magnificent views are the three pillars of the continued popularity of these resorts in India..


  • Resorts of India