Taxi in India - prices, order. How much does a taxi cost in India

Taxi in India

Taxi in India

There are many options for calling a taxi in India. The easiest one is by phone from the hotel. You can also catch a car on the street, order at one of the prepayment points, take a car in parking lots near crowded places. Taxis can be difficult to find outside the city limits.

You can solve the problem by using one of the company taxi numbers: +91 22 2685 2829 (Prepaid Taxi), +91 22 2822 7006 (Group Mobile Cool Cab).

Along with traditional passenger taxis, jeeps, ideal for transporting a large company, also offer their services. Public taxi car - Ambassador white or black and green, marked with the inscription “Taxi”. Private traders use jeeps or small cars «Tata» without plates.


A taxi ride will cost, on average, 8-12 rupees per kilometer. A trip by jeep will cost 1.5-2 times more. The cost of a transfer to the city from the airport is usually fixed at Rs 150 to Delhi and Rs 200 to Kolkata.

Taxi drivers in large cities and in popular tourist places can overcharge the fare several times. The increased fare awaits passengers at night - 2-3 times more expensive than during the day.

The safest and most profitable trip will be a taxi, equipped with a meter. In the cabin of such a car, there should be a table on which you can calculate the exact fare. A fixed price is also set at prepayment points, using which you will only have to present a receipt to the driver. Private traders can not always boast of a meter, but its presence does not mean that the taxi driver will turn it on. If, nevertheless, there is a need to go with such a driver, it is better to agree on the price in advance and not neglect the bargaining. As a result of such a dialogue, it is possible to reduce the starting price by 50%..

Interesting fact

In some regions of India, so-called «taxi driver days». On this day, municipal taxi drivers cede the right to transport passengers to private taxi drivers. The rule does not apply to buses running from hotels to airports.

Photos of taxi in Thailand

  • Taxi in India