Holidays in India in August: prices and weather. Where to relax in India in August

Holidays in India in August

Holidays in India in August

For many European travelers, India is associated with a fabulous country with almost jelly rivers and milk shores. In this country, tourists are really very kind to tourists, striving to show all the best, offering a chic beach vacation, the most interesting educational excursion routes, a variety of goods and Indian souvenirs..

Holidays in India in August will take place against a background of fairly high temperatures, but, given the low season, without the invasion of tourists, overcrowding of hotels, respectively, the absolute attention of the staff to all guests without exception.


The dominance of the summer monsoon in India at this time may not provide the best conditions for recreation. High humidity, heavy rainfall can interfere with your beach pastime. But these hours can be devoted to excursions around the country and acquaintance with its cultural values..

Maximum temperature (+29 ºC .. + 30 ºC) also awaits those who have chosen the Himalayas for rest. However, the monsoon is not felt here, and good weather is a frequent visitor..

Independence Day

This holy day for all Indians is celebrated on August 15th. Since the whole country, without exception, adores bright events, then on this day they will not do without magnificent parades, festive concerts and fireworks that color the night sky..

Raksha Bandan Festival

This celebration does not have a constant day in the calendar, and the month can vary (July or August). But, if the tourist is lucky and his vacation coincides with the celebration of Raksha Bandana, you should immediately join the locals..

One of the main rituals becomes ablution in the nearest body of water: river, lake, sea. The Indians have their own god of water, whose name is Varune. According to tradition, on this day he accepts offerings in the form of coconuts..

And another very touching ritual is carried out between brothers and sisters. On the day of the Raksha Bandana celebration, each girl replaces the consecrated lace worn by her brother on the wrist with a new one.

Krishna's birthday

Another local celebration does not have an exact month and date of celebration, but it is celebrated on a truly Indian scale. For this holiday, each temple is decorated with illumination, solemn services are held. In Mathura, where, according to legend, Krishna's childhood years passed, special honors are given. The highlight of the holiday can be considered theatrical pantomimes and dances.

Vacation photos in India

  • Holidays in India in August