Coat of arms of Iran: photo, meaning, description

Coat of arms of Iran

Iran's heraldic symbols are closely related to the history and culture of this country. The coat of arms of Iran in its modern form is very different from its dynastic predecessors, but still remains the heir to the Iranian mentality and way of thinking. The Pahlavi dynasty, which came to power in 1925, made minor changes to the dynastic coat of arms adopted at that time in imperial Iran. The new emblem, approved in 1980, became a symbol of the fall of dynastic Iran, a symbol of a new life - a life without an emperor, but in close connection with Islam.

Shamshir and edolite

This is the name of the modern Iranian coat of arms. Translated into Russian, this name sounds like «sword and scales». The main Iranian emblem is a symmetrical image, in the center of which is a stylized drawing of a double-edged sword. Two crescent moons can be seen to the left and right of it. The center of symmetry in this case is just shamshir - a double-edged sword. The power of such a sword was known in the ancient world, but on the coat of arms its power is doubled by the shadd symbol depicted above the sword and resembling the English letter W.

This coat of arms was designed by Khadim Nadimi in an abstract schematic form. If you look closely at it, then it is somewhat reminiscent of a harvested tulip bud. In a sense, the main emblem of Iran is reminiscent of a long tradition. According to him, tulips grow on the grave of every fallen warrior who defended Iran. Thus, the coat of arms is associated with the history of the Iranian people..

Connection with Islam

«Shamshir and edolite» Is a symbol of the worship of Allah. The very outline of the emblem in a stylized form resembles an Arab-Persian word «Allah». At the same time, the four crescent moons and the sword are a long-standing display of the Islamic creed, which states that there is no other god but Allah. In addition, the emblem itself affirms the five main pillars of the Islamic religion: monotheism; prayer; fast; alms; hajj.

Meaning and color

On the other hand, the modern coat of arms of Iran has the meaning of law, supreme justice. They see in him the extreme forms of these institutions of society in the form of the punishing hand of a two-edged law, as well as in the form of a wise and just decision..

The color of this emblem has not been established, and therefore «shamshir and edolite» can be painted red, green or black. For example, this coat of arms on the flag of Iran is depicted in red. Color has long been of particular importance to Iranian society. So, red was associated with warriors, and green - with the culture of farmers..
