Rivers of Israel - photo, list, description

Rivers of Israel

Rivers of Israel

Israel's rivers are short and dry up in the summer. The only full-flowing river throughout the year is the Jordan.

Alexander River

Alexander is the only river in Israel that flows into the waters of the Mediterranean Sea. The source of the river is in the mountains of Samaria. The place of confluence is the waters of the Mediterranean (near the city of Netanya). The total length of the river channel is 45 kilometers. The river got its name in honor of Tsar Alexander Janay, who ruled Judea in the first century BC.

Alexander's tributaries are: Shechem; Taanim; Omets; Bahan; Avihail; Akhzav. Most of the river bed runs through the Hefer Valley. The waters of the river are rather heavily polluted, but, despite this, Nile soft-skinned turtles live in it. I will even throw a special bridge across the river, over which the turtles move from shore to shore. And this place attracts many tourists..

Amud river

Nahal Amud (the full name of the river in the local dialect) is one of the rivers of the Upper Galilee (one of the Irzai regions), flowing into the waters of the Sea of ​​Galilee. The source of the river is in Ramat Dalton (height above sea level - 800 meters) and these are two streams. One descends from Mount Canaan, and the other from the top of Meron.

The river bed runs along the bottom of the gorge formed by it below sea level. The gorge is quite interesting in terms of sightseeing, as there are many caves. It was in them that the so-called «Galilean people». It was these caves in 1925 that became the site of archaeological excavations throughout Palestine..

Today, the gorge of the Amud River and the entire territory adjacent to it have the status of a national reserve..

Ayalon river

The total length of the river channel is 50 kilometers. The source of Ayalon is in the Judean Mountains (western slopes). Then it passes in the vicinity of Lod, and then through the Ayalon Valley. The confluence is the Yarkon River. The confluence of rivers takes place on the territory of Tel Aviv.

The downstream section of the river (just before the confluence with the Yarkon waters) runs along highway 20. Here the river is locked in a narrow concrete bed. Today it is Ayalon - a very crumbling and even sometimes drying up river, but at the beginning of the last century in the spring it rose strongly and flooded the entire Derekh Petakh-Tikva Avenue.

Banias river

The beginning of the river is natural springs, which are located at the base of Mount Hermon. Benias then makes his way through the Golan Heights. After that, the river connects with the Snir and Dan rivers, giving rise to the great Jordan River.

Dan River

Dan is one of the rivers of Jordan, which is the largest tributary of the Jordan River. The source of the river is Mount Hermon. Dan is one of the few rivers in the country that always remains deep.
