Suburbs of Rome - photo, what to see

Suburbs of Rome

Suburbs of Rome

The eternal city is about Rome. Its history goes back twenty-seven centuries, and in every historical period Rome was invariably famous and enjoyed a high administrative and political status. Its popularity among tourists from all over the world is difficult to compare with anyone else's, it's not for nothing that an old saying says that all roads lead exactly here. Many historical and cultural attractions are concentrated in the suburbs of Rome, and therefore experienced travelers will certainly include excursions to nearby cities in their itinerary..

Legendary Tivoli

This suburb of Rome is inscribed in the history of architecture with priceless gold. Villas were built here at different times, which are considered today a unique heritage of Roman architects. The largest and most luxurious is Hadrian's villa, which occupies a huge valley within the city limits. Hence the emperor ruled Rome in the 2nd century.
Villa Adriana was built in full accordance with the architectural traditions of that era - it is harmoniously inscribed in the surrounding landscape. The sculptural compositions that adorned the premises are famous all over the world today for their perfect forms, and it is from here that the Discobolus and Diana of Versailles come from..

White wine and black nobility

This suburb of Rome on the north side of the Albanian Mountains is famous for its white wines. The wineries here annually produce hundreds of liters of unique Frascati to decorate any table or event. The wine is named after the city where the so-called black nobility built their residences - aristocrats of the 16th century, connected by blood relationship with the papacy.
The most interesting architectural sights of Frascati are of considerable historical interest:

  • St. Peter's Basilica was built in the 17th century. Prince Charles, representative of the royal house of Stuarts, rests here..
  • Villa Mondragone rises on the edge of the Albanian mountains. The building was built in the 16th century by Martino Longhi for a German cardinal. All architectural elements of the villa are decorated with images of mythical creatures in the form of dragons, which gave the building the nickname "Dragon Mountain".

Castle on the lake

The visiting card of Bracciano is the 13th century castle on the shores of a picturesque lake. It was built by the princes of Orsini, whose family is unusually famous in Italy. Representatives of the Orsini family became popes five times and cardinals more than thirty times.
The interiors of the castle have repeatedly turned into scenery during the filming of famous films, and some stars even held wedding ceremonies in them..


  • Suburbs of Rome