Taxi in Venice - prices, order. How much does a taxi cost in Venice

Taxi in Venice

Taxi in Venice

Taxis in Venice are not very popular, but they are convenient for getting to the mainland suburbs and to the Marco Polo airport.

Taxi services in Venice

If you would like a car to be delivered to you, contact, for example, "Radio Taxi Venezia e Mestre" (contact phone: 041 59 64). In the park of this company there are about 120 vehicles equipped with air conditioning: among them are minivans that can accommodate up to 8 passengers, as well as cars adapted for transporting people with disabilities..

If you wish, you can contact the taxi company "Venice Airport Service": + 39 3351 727 020 (here we are ready to provide customers with cars, buses and minibuses).

Water taxi in Venice

Being a city built on water, Venice is easy to get around by water transport. For example, a water taxi can ride along the Venetian canals, and it can also act as a transfer from the airport to the hotel where you will stay for rest, and vice versa. In addition, you can take a sightseeing trip to Murano or Burano by water taxi.

All this is very attractive, which cannot be said about the price: trips by water taxi cost about 55-90 euros. In addition, at night (22: 00-07: 00) the trip will cost 10 euros more. You will find the taxi ranks near the Rialto Bridge and Piazza San Marco.

Water taxi services are provided by such companies as Venice Water Taxi (+ 30 0415 220 040), Cooperativa Taxi Serenissima (+ 39 0415 221 265), Consorzio Motoscafi Venezia (it has 100 taxi boats, and you can contact this service by phone + 39 0415 222 303). If you wish, you can order a water limousine by phone + 39 0415 019 442.

Taxi cost in Venice

To find out how much a taxi costs in Venice, you can get acquainted with the following information:

  • for boarding you will be asked to pay 3.2 (during the day) - 6.4 (at night) euros;
  • the cost of 1 km traveled is 1.60 euros (when moving over a distance of more than 50 km, 1 km will be calculated at a price of 2 euros);
  • for baggage you need to make a surcharge of 1 euro.

On average, a trip from the airport to Piazzale Roma costs 30 euros, and by water taxi - 90-100 euros. In any case, the approximate cost of travel should be clarified before setting off..

You can travel around Venice on foot, by vaporetto (water trams), taxi and water taxi, as well as ride a gondola (a 40-minute gondola ride costs about 90 euros and does not depend on the number of passengers, i.e. this amount is divided among all passengers, and there should be no more than 6 people).

Photos of taxi in Venice