Venice in 3 days: where to go in Venice

Venice in 3 days

Venice in 3 days

One of the most romantic cities on the planet, Venice becomes a place of pilgrimage for millions of tourists every year. Walking along its medieval streets, admiring the old palazzo and feeling like a hero of a novel, boarding a gondola is the dream of many travelers. Even after being in Venice for 3 days, you can have time to get acquainted with its most famous architectural and historical masterpieces, and it is best to start the excursion from St. Mark's Square.

The heart of the city on the water

For Venice, which stands on the banks of hundreds of canals, the main street is the largest one, along which both citizens and guests arrive at the center every day by boats, boats and a vaporetto - a water taxi. The Grand Canal ends in the central square, the main architectural dominant of which is the Cathedral of St. Mark. The basilica, built in the 9th century, is majestic and beautiful, and its interior decoration amazes anyone who steps over the threshold of the temple..
The cathedral houses the relics of the Apostle Mark and many relics and valuable works of art collected during the Crusades. Byzantine mosaics adorn the interior of the basilica, and its Pala d'Oro - the "golden altar" - was made in the 10th century by craftsmen using the cloisonné enamel technique. The frame in which the enamel miniatures are placed is made of gilded silver and decorated with thousands of jewelry stones.

Glass from fairy tales

An excellent opportunity to get to know Venice in 3 days will be an excursion to the island of Murano, located in the same lagoon as the main island of Rialto. Murano is called a miniature Venice, and its main attraction is the famous glass, from which real masterpieces have been blown for centuries. The production of fragile treasures in the XIII century was brought to the island so that the craftsmen could not leave it and divulge the secrets of their unique craft. For this they were given substantial privileges, and their children could marry with the owners of noble names and titles.
Murano glass production is flourishing in Venice today, and a trip to the island of glassmakers will be a great opportunity to get acquainted with the technology of glassmaking. In the shops you can buy a real Murani bracelet and pick up earrings or a brooch for it. By the way, once you are in Venice for three days, you will have to look for souvenirs for your family and friends. In this sense, figurines, figurines, jewelry and dishes from the island of Murano will be ideal gifts for even the most demanding.


  • Venice in 3 days