Education in Italy. Study in Italy - education abroad

Education in Italy

Italy is a highly developed European country, and getting an education here is considered a very prestigious business. Benefits of studying in Italy:

  • Opportunity to get the most modern and high quality education;
  • Opportunity to master the most popular specialties (design and fashion, architecture, medicine, law);
  • Acceptable tuition fees (Russians can study for free and receive a scholarship, but only in state universities).

Higher education in Italy

To enter a higher educational institution in Italy, you need to have a high school diploma and study for 1-2 years at a Russian university.
Enrollment is carried out after passing the entrance exams and passing the Italian language test.

Before submitting an application for admission to an Italian university, it is advisable to master the Italian language in your home country, or to enroll in Italy for courses with immersion in the language environment (such courses are available at all universities).

In public educational institutions, classes are conducted in Italian, and in private universities there is an opportunity to study in English.

Important: when entering a private university, students do not need to take entrance exams.

Special universities for foreigners

Perugia and Siena have special universities for foreigners (Universita per Stranieri): even those who do not speak Italian at all are enrolled here. In these institutes, before mastering the university course, students undergo an intensive course of language training (6 times a week for 8 hours a day). After graduating from such a university, you can become, for example, a teacher of Italian language or literature..

Those who are interested in such specialties as painting, sculpture and design should enroll in the Italian Academy of Fine Arts (4 years of study). To enter such an academy, you will have to pass an entrance exam and take part in a creative competition.

For those who want to connect their lives with medicine, it is better to go to the University of Salerno, with law - to the University of Bologna, with design - to the European Institute in Milan..

Work while studying

While studying at the university, students can find a job, but the employment should be a maximum of 25 hours per week.

Get an education in Italy - get a ticket to a happy European life!

Photos of educational institutions in Italy