Sales in Italy. When do sales start in Italy?

Sales in Italy

Sales in Italy

Many fashion brands are of Italian origin. If you want to replenish your wardrobe with exclusive items from famous designers, it is better to buy them in Italy. For shopping, you can visit Rome, Milan, Naples, etc..

When it's time for big discounts

Sales in Italy take place in winter and summer. They are held at the same time in all cities of the country. The Winter Sale starts around January 6th and the Summer Sale starts on July 7th. The exact dates of these events may change from year to year, but they must be announced in advance. No store can start a sale earlier than others. In this case, its owner will have to pay a fine..

Good shopping is possible in three regions of the state: northern - Venice, Turin, Bologna, Florence and Milan, southern - Naples, Sardinia, Bari and Sicily, central - Rimini and Rome. Every big city has boutiques with fashionable clothes and footwear. The best goods can be traditionally purchased in the north. The very best of designer collections is presented in boutiques located in the central part of every major city. Traditionally, the most fashionable city in Italy is Milan. The most popular boutiques are concentrated there..

Seasonal sales in Italy are held in shopping centers. There are almost no big discounts in boutiques of popular designers. Only regular customers can count on discounted items. Permanent discounts are available in outlets. They are huge warehouse complexes that receive clothes from last year's collections, which sellers in boutiques could not sell, as well as defective items. Outlet discounts reach 70%.

Best days to shop

It is best to visit sales in Italy in the very first days. Good products are sold out very quickly, so in the future, sellers begin to offer less interesting things. At the beginning of each sale, crowds of people gather outside the shops. If the sale is total, then the order in the shopping center is maintained by the police. During this period, discounts reach their maximum..

As practice shows, the most beautiful and relevant goods are sold out already in the first hours after the start of the sale. It is very difficult to get into fitting rooms at this time, so many buyers take things without trying them on..

In Italy, you can buy chic underwear, fashionable and beautiful clothes, high-quality shoes and bags made of genuine leather, jewelry, and accessories. Luxurious furniture, antiques, original interior items are presented in many shops. From products you can buy spices, cheeses, wines, olive oil, coffee, etc..


  • Sales in Italy