Coat of arms of Jamaica: photo, meaning, description

Coat of arms of Jamaica

Coat of arms of Jamaica

This coat of arms is the heraldic sign of Jamaica and was inherited from Great Britain. Back in 1661, the coat of arms of Jamaica was granted to this state by the Royal Warrant of Great Britain. Interestingly, his project was developed by a clergyman - at that time Archbishop of Canterbury Sancroft.

Brief description of the coat of arms

  • The crest of the coat of arms is made in the form of a sharp-winged crocodile, which stands on a log.
  • The helmet resembles the traditional figures of the possessions that were once under the possession of the British crown..
  • The figures of the indigenous inhabitants of the island of Jamaica are placed on the supporters..
  • The coat of arms has a motto - «Out of many - one people».
  • Is a few of the coats of arms designed by the priest - archbishop.

The coat of arms of this island state was changed several times until its modern version was approved. Sometimes the previous versions of the coat of arms had significant differences from the image that we know today..

What do the symbols of the coat of arms mean?

On the coat of arms there is an image of a red cross on a white background. This is the cross of St. George. It was taken from the former British flank. This symbol is a reminder that Jamaica has long ties to the British Crown. And to this day, this state is the dominion of Great Britain..

Pineapples are also placed on the shield. Although they have never played and do not play now a significant role in the country's economy, they are a symbol of valuable tropical vegetation. They also denote the developed agriculture of Jamaica..

The shield is supported by images of the indigenous aborigines of Jamaica. This reminds of a tragic page in the history of the country, as the Indians were exterminated by the Spanish conquerors. In their place, the British brought in blacks and turned them into slaves. So it is also a reminder of the once existing slave system on the island. The Indian woman is holding an onion, as well as a fruit basket. It symbolizes the traditional activities of the local population..

The pointed crocodile symbolizes the small fauna of Jamaica, and the log symbolizes the flora. A helmet over a shield complements this composition. The coat of arms motto is written in English. It shows the desire of the people inhabiting the island for unity and cohesion, since among them there are representatives of many ethnic and racial groups..

There is also a simplified version of the coat of arms. This is a shield, which is surrounded by national flags, it also has a ribbon with the motto.
