How long is the flight from Bishkek to Moscow? Time of flight Bishkek - Moscow

How long is the flight from Bishkek to Moscow?

In Bishkek, you managed to walk along Erkindik Boulevard, visit the Oak Park, Serpentaria, Ostrich Farm, the Frunze Memorial House-Museum, and the tourist complex “Kyrgyz ayly”, go to Lake Issyk-Kul and the Orto-Koy-Suu gorge, relax on the Ala-Archinsky reservoir, spend time in the rope park “Arkan Tokoy”, nightlife “Apple” and “Pharaoh”, paintball club “Combat”? Now you need to get detailed information about the return flight.?

How long to fly from Bishkek to Moscow (direct flight)?

2,900 km is the distance between the capital of Kyrgyzstan and Moscow (flight duration is about 4.5 hours). On airliners “Air Kyrgyzstan” you will get to Moscow in 4.5 hours, and “Air manas” - in 4 hours 45 minutes.

The average cost of a Bishkek-Moscow air ticket is 8,000 rubles, but in May, August and July there is a chance to buy a ticket at a price of 6,600 rubles.

Connecting flight Bishkek-Moscow

Stops, as a rule, on the way to Moscow are made in Astana, Almaty, Surgut or other cities, which is why the trip will last 8-27 hours.
So, flight from “Pegasus Airlines” and “the globe” through Osh will last 8 hours, with “S7” via Novosibirsk - 10.5 hours, from “Transaero” and “Avia Traffic Airlines” via Yekaterinburg - 8.5 hours, from “Air Astana” via Almaty - 15 hours (boarding on the 2nd flight will be announced 9.5 hours after the 1st flight), from “Azerbaijan Airlines” via Baku - 24 hours (between flights you will have 16 hours), from “Atlas jet” and “Aeroflot” via Istanbul - 27 hours (landing on 2 planes will be announced after 17.5 hours), from “Avia Traffic Company” and “Utair” via Surgut - 16.5 hours (waiting time - 10 hours).

Choosing an air carrier

Return home can be entrusted to one of the following carriers flying Boeing 757-200, Airbus A 330, Embraer 190, Boeing 737-800 and other airliners: “Avia Traffic Company”; “Air bishkek”; “Air Kyrgyzstan”; “S7 Airlines”.

The Bishkek-Moscow flight is serviced by Manas Airport (FRU) - it is located 25 km from the city (can be reached by minibus No. 380). No traveler waiting for a flight will go hungry - there are catering points in the airport building, represented by cafes and restaurants. In addition, the airport infrastructure includes: a VIP lounge, points where currency exchange operations are performed, ATMs.

What to do with yourself during the flight?

During the flight, you can think over and finally decide which of your loved ones to give souvenirs bought in Bishkek, in the form of dishes and clothes in the national style, carpets, silver jewelry, leather products, straw and clay products, unique felt boxes, leather containers for kumis, horse sausage, brandy.
