Railways of Kyrgyzstan - map, website, photo
Railways of Kyrgyzstan

Railways of Kyrgyzstan are of great importance for the economic sphere. With their help, the country maintains contact with other states and carries out cargo transportation. The length of the railways in Kyrgyzstan is approximately 425 km. All of them are dead-end lines that depart from the Alma-Ata and Tashkent roads.
Features of the railways of Kyrgyzstan
The main lines of the southern part of the country belong to the Central Asian Railway. Passenger trains do not run on this section. The routes are used for freight transport. For Kyrgyzstan, the construction of a railway passing through the central part of the territory is currently of great importance. Such a road will connect the republic with China, which is its economic partner. The projected line China - Kyrgyzstan - Uzbekistan will connect the railways of China with Uzbekistan, and then with Europe through Iran, Afghanistan and Turkey. The estimated length of the road section in Kyrgyzstan is almost 270 km. This single-track highway will not be electrified.
The railway network is operated by a national company «Kyrgyztemirzholu». Geographically, the railways of Kyrgyzstan are divided into separate sections: southern and northern. There is almost no domestic rail service in the country. At the same time, railways are very important for Kyrgyzstan's international relations with neighboring countries. The northern line of the railway runs from the border of Kazakhstan to Bishkek and is a section of the Bishkek-Moscow route. Over 7 million tons are transported annually along this line. Cargoes such as metals, oil products, mineral fertilizers are delivered to the northern part of Kyrgyzstan by rail.
Trains for passengers
Passenger trains run only in the north. There is a branch from Bishkek to Kazakhstan. There are no railways in other parts of the country, so tickets for domestic trains cannot be purchased. Passenger and cargo transportation is carried out mainly by road. A direct passenger train runs to Moscow from Bishkek 3 times a week. You can buy tickets for it on the Internet. The journey to Kyrgyzstan takes three days, and the ticket costs about 9,000 rubles. A train from Yekaterinburg also runs to Kyrgyzstan. Passengers have access to reserved seat and compartment seats. The train schedule is presented on the website of the Kyrgyz railways - www.ktj.kg. Kyrgyz passenger trains arrive at the Bishkek railway station (Bishkek II station), which was built during the Soviet era and is an architectural monument.