Riga districts - name, description, photos of Riga districts, where to stay for tourists

Riga districts

Riga districts

Are you interested in the districts of Riga? You can get acquainted with them by looking at the map of the capital of Latvia - there are six of them: some of them are located on the right bank of the Daugava, while others are on the left bank.

Names and descriptions of Riga districts

  • Central region: of interest are excursions that allow you to see the sights in the form of the Dome Cathedral (it has a Museum dedicated to the history of the city and a concert hall), the Swedish Gate, Riga Castle (outside its walls there are museums of the History of Latvia, Literature and Foreign Art), the Powder Tower (resembles a horseshoe in shape; today it is the military museum of Riga), the House of the Blackheads (the museum contains house relics and antiques; and the halls of the House hold exhibitions, receptions and other events), St. Peter's Church (today the main clock is open from 1 clockwise; you can stand on the observation deck of the new tower and take a few photos from there).
  • Vidzeme suburb: its micro-districts are Mezciems (surrounded by forest, therefore, ideal for recreation; has a Motor Museum, where visitors can admire cars, mopeds and motorcycles of the 19th and 20th centuries), Teika (interesting by the building of the cinema of the same name), Jugla (it is worth visiting the Latvian ethnographic museum, the exposition of which will be shown to you by guides dressed in national costumes; make purchases in a shopping center “Alfa”; visit the Cinamon cinema).
  • Latgale suburb: consists mainly of residential areas.
  • Ziemelsky district: Mezaparks deserves the attention of travelers - there are recreation areas, the Riga Zoo (habitat of about 3000 animals - lions, tapirs, red wolves and others; there is a tropical house and a pavilion of lemurs; entertainment is available in the form of animal feeding and horse riding), Lake Kisezers (the center of Riga can be reached by a pleasure boat), a stage for concerts and performances, playgrounds. In summer you can go rollerblading and cycling here, and in winter - on well-equipped ski slopes..
  • Zemgale suburb: tourists can go to see the Bisumuiza estate, as well as visit the Zolitude microdistrict with the Spice shopping center.
  • Kurzeme region: famous for the Imanta microdistrict - it is connected to the right bank by the Vantovo bridge. In addition, from Imanta to Jurmala, only 20 minutes by train.

Where to stay for tourists

Hotels located in the city center are ideal for accommodating travelers due to the proximity to important excursion sites and shops. Those on a budget can stay close to the central train station. Pros - you can quickly get to the hotel, the room in which is cheaper than yours “fellows” in the center, as well as to the Old Town (the walk will take 5-10 minutes), but the minus lies in the noise and unattractive landscape from the windows.

Pictures of Riga districts

  • Riga districts