Taxi in Riga - prices, order. How much does a taxi cost in Riga

Taxi in Riga

Taxi in Riga

Taxi services in Riga are provided by accredited companies that have cars with yellow license plates (TX or TE series), illuminated roof lights and company emblems on the doors..

Features of ordering a taxi in Riga

“Taxi” in Riga is not accepted (private taxi is practically eradicated), but, despite this, you will not have any problems finding a taxi - you will find them at special parking lots, and if you wish, you can order a taxi by phone (this is not only more profitable, but also will allow you to immediately find out how much you will pay for the trip, as well as discuss various nuances, for example, is there a child car seat in the car or is it possible to transfer bulky luggage).

If necessary, taxis-minibuses can be provided at your disposal.

The following companies are engaged in the transportation of passengers around the city:

  • BalticTaxi (has modern cars in bright light green color): + (371) 200-085-00. It is worth noting that the rates in the taxi of this company are slightly higher than in others - this is due to the provision of high-quality service. In addition, the employees of this company pay special attention to the comfort of passengers (many cars are well equipped and have a Wi-Fi hotspot).
  • Alviksa (the company is famous for its cheaper tariffs and service “Sober driver” - a tipsy client and his car will be delivered to the desired destination, however, you will have to pay at a special rate): 672-535-35, 676-074-74.
  • Riga taxi fleet (there are red cars in the taxi fleet): 800-013-13.
  • LadyTaxi (female drivers, the color of the car is dark red, and the cars themselves are equipped with child car seats): 278-009-00.

In addition, you can call a taxi by phone using the number of a single taxi call service: + (371) 88-08.

Once in a taxi, you should make sure that the driver has reset the meter (at the end of the trip, he must issue a check).

If you take a taxi from the stand, it makes sense to agree on the cost before the trip..

Taxi cost in Riga

Anyone who is interested in how much a taxi costs in Riga will be able to navigate the prices, thanks to familiarization with the current tariffs (prices for different companies do not differ much from each other):

  • the cost of boarding is 1.5-2 euros (as a rule, you do not need to pay anything for calling a taxi);
  • 1 km of track will cost you 0.6-0.8 euros;
  • for 1 hour of waiting, the driver will charge you 7-10 euros;
  • the cost of travel on holidays and at night increases by 30%.

For example, a trip from the airport to the center of Riga will cost on average 10-15 euros, and from Riga to Jurmala - 25-35 euros..

You can pay for the fare both in cash and by credit cards, but before boarding, you should clarify whether there is a special terminal in the car.

It is very simple to use taxi services in Riga: they are provided by about 40 companies, the employees of the largest of which can speak Latvian, Russian and English.

Photos of taxi in Riga