Trip to Lithuania

Trip to Lithuania

Have you decided to visit one of the Baltic republics, but have not yet been able to make a choice? Then you will certainly enjoy a trip to Lithuania - a country where Russian is spoken most often..

Public transport

You can get around the cities of the country by buses or trolleybuses. Transport starts work at five in the morning and ends at about midnight. Tickets can be purchased both at the bus stop at a special ticket booth, and from the driver, but in this case, you will slightly overpay. Travel penalty «hare» pretty high. And if a ticket costs an average of 0.5 euros, then the amount of the fine can reach as much as 50 euros. In addition to regular transport, minibuses also run in many cities of the country..


A checkered car can be taken at one of the parking lots. But it is better to place an order by phone, as this will help you save on your trip. Plus, it's also safer..

The price of the trip will depend on the total mileage (0.5-1.5 euros per kilometer). Before getting into the car, make sure that the driver has a license and that there is a meter in the car. Any taxi on the sides must have a logo of the service company and a phone number.

Air travel

There are three international airports in the country. The complexes are located in Vilnius, Palanga and Kaunas. There is another large airport located in Siauliai. Most often it is used for landing cargo planes, but sometimes charter flights are also accepted here..

The country's national carrier is Air Lithuania. In addition to this airline, you can fly by airplanes: Lithuanian Airlines; Aurela (private air carrier); Lietuva. In addition to national air carrier companies, aircraft of the Latvian carrier Air Baltic are based in Lithuania (Riga and Vilnius)..

Railway transport

The railway network covers the entire country. Lithuanian trains are surprisingly clean. All carriages have comfortable soft seats and at least two sanitary rooms. Stops are always announced, so there is no risk of driving through the desired stop. Tickets can be bought after boarding the carriage from the conductor or at the railway ticket office. But if you got on a carriage without a ticket, but your station has a ticket office, you will have to pay about 25% of its price..

Water transport

Since Lithuania is a coastal state, the ferry is one of the components of its transport system. Ferries depart from the largest port of the country, which is located in Klaipeda. From here you can get to Lubeck; Keel; Copenhagen; Aarhus; Gdansk.

The main carriers are Scandlines (local company) and Lisco (international representative). The cost of the trip directly depends on the season.
