Taxi in Montenegro - prices, order. How much does a taxi cost in Montenegro

Taxi in Montenegro

Taxi in Montenegro

Taxis in Montenegro operate only under license. The peculiarity of this work is that the taxi company can carry out its activities only on the territory of the region of Montenegro where its license is registered. But if the client needs to get from one area to another, then, of course, no questions arise..

Features of taxi in Montenegro

On the coast of Montenegro, most of the drivers speak Russian. Almost all of them are fluent in English. But, do not expect that when talking with a taxi manager in Montenegro, you will be understood the first time. The further north you are in Montenegro, the lower the likelihood of taxi drivers understanding spoken English.

Taxis in Montenegro can be roughly divided into two types:

  • Official. The owners of taxi companies have licenses that allow them to carry out activities for the carriage of passengers;
  • «Wild» taxi or private.

Official taxis can usually be identified by having a large number on the car. Most often, this is the telephone number of the carrier company. Official taxis are cars of the same make, sometimes even of the same color..

«Wild» taxis usually look very cheap and almost fall apart on the way. You can even notice this feature with the naked eye. But, lately, informal companies have invented a way «lure» clients. They stick fake license plates on their cars, find stickers with the logo of the official company, misleading tourists. Those taxi drivers who work under a license are obliged to provide customers with a price list, which indicates the prices for travel.

Rates for travel to «official» taxis will not please tourists too much because they are very tall. On average, you will need to cook about 0.5 euros per landing. For each kilometer on the way, you will have to pay about 0.8 euros.

Finding a taxi car in Montenegro is not difficult. At each airport, you will definitely be offered to use a taxi service. There are also dedicated parking spaces for these cars. Many taxis can be seen near famous sights of Montenegro.

Photos of taxi in Montenegro

  • Taxi in Montenegro
  • Taxi in Montenegro