Traditions of Panama - customs, photo
Traditions of Panama

"A place where there is a lot of fish" - this is how the name of the state of Panama is translated from the local dialect. Its territory was inhabited in ancient times by the tribes of the Guayas, Kuna and Choco Indians, whose customs then mixed with the European traditions brought here by the Spaniards, Scots and British. Panama has turned into a multinational state and thanks to the construction of one of the most important objects of world importance - the Panama Canal, because residents of dozens of countries were employed at work.
We ask to the table!
National cuisine is one of the oldest traditions in Panama. It is based on Indian dishes, modified and improved by the Spanish colonialists. The basis of the Panamanian diet is beans and meat. They are boiled and stewed, fried with a lot of onions and spices, and poured with various sauces. Hot Mexican pepper adds a special spice to each recipe, and therefore, when ordering something in a Panamanian restaurant, you should check with the waiter about the degree of "spicy".
Coconut heritage
The Kuna Indians are great masters of coconut farming. This agricultural crop gives them not only the traditional nut with milk and juicy pulp, but also the fibers from which the kuna craftswomen weave a special fabric. The tradition of Panama and its women of fashion to wear a dress made of coconut fiber makes any holiday in the country bright and colorful..
Let's take a look at the calendar
It is customary to celebrate the main Christian holidays in Panama, but besides them there are also special days that are important for local residents. In general, the calendar of major red dates looks like this:
- At the end of December, the country celebrates Panama Flag Day, which is declared inoperative..
- Christmas is one of the favorite holidays of Panamanians. Palm trees can also act as Christmas trees, and fireworks can be heard in both Americas.
- In autumn, according to the tradition of Panama, three Independence Days are celebrated at once - 3, 10 and 28 November. These days, in different years, the country proclaimed its sovereignty from Spain and Colombia.
- The traditional carnival starts in the country on Saturday, which precedes the beginning of Lent. The festive processions last for several days and end on Ash Wednesday. Special attention at the carnival is paid to the competition of various dance schools.
By the way, dancing here is one of the most beloved forms of recreation and entertainment and any ethnic group of the indigenous inhabitants of Panama annually organizes its own dance festival.