Excursions in Suzdal. Sightseeing tours of Suzdal
Excursions in Suzdal

One-day excursions to Suzdal are an excellent option not only for a family vacation, it is an opportunity to spend an extraordinary weekend with friends, plunge into the historical past.
Suzdal is considered the pearl of the Golden Ring; it is a whole city-museum in the open air. There is no railway, industrial complexes and such familiar to us urban smog. To some extent, this is a fabulous place, a treasury of ancient Russian architecture that spans eight whole centuries. Many famous films were filmed here: «Balzaminov's marriage» (1964), «My Sweet and Tender Beast» (1978), «Sorcerers» (1982), «Peter the Great» (1985, USA) and many others.
Suzdal - the cradle of monasteries and temples
This city is considered one of the most famous centers of Orthodox Russia. More than 200 ancient monuments have been preserved here: the Spaso-Efimievsky Monastery, the Nativity Cathedral, the Intercession Convent, the Vasilievsky and Alexander Monasteries, the Kremlin with the Cross Chamber and many others. Suzdal is considered a reserve of pre-Petrine Russia.
Today there are four active monasteries in the city. The excursion program includes visiting not only monasteries, but also temples, where you can venerate the relics of Mother Sophia of Suzdal, the saints of Suzdal John and Fedor and many other saints.
In order to plunge into the atmosphere of the city to the maximum, sightseeing tours in Suzdal are offered to tourists. There are several options for the program:
- Sightseeing tour of the city, with a visit to three active monasteries.
- Horse-drawn carriage excursion.
- Travel around the city with a stop at all the observation points of Suzdal. Tour of the complex of buildings of the Archangel Michael Church.
You can also visit the Intercession Monastery, which is also called the "white swan" of Suzdal. This convent is considered one of the most beautiful places in the city..
Bells are very popular in Suzdal. The excursion, which will immerse you in the world of bells, is led by real bell-ringer. They will not only tell you about historical facts and interesting events, but also perform a bell concert. You can also hit the bell by climbing the bell tower. Such an excursion lasts only 40 minutes and can be included in any program.