Children's camps in Ulyanovsk for the summer. Children's camps in Ulyanovsk 2015
Children's camps in Ulyanovsk

On the eve of the summer season, many families from Ulyanovsk purchase vouchers to local camps. The choice is very wide - there are school and sports camps, developing schools in the city. Most of the summer camps are located outside the city limits.
What attracts rest in Ulyanovsk
The peculiarity of Ulyanovsk is constant moderate winds, which are formed due to the proximity of the Volga River. The air in the city is always fresh. It is filled with the aromas of fields and forests. Rainy weather and squally wind are not uncommon here. But in spring and summer, the nature of these places flourishes. The moderate continental climate pleases the townspeople with the harsh Russian winters and warm summers.
Children's camps in Ulyanovsk are an opportunity to enjoy rest among ecologically clean nature. In January of this year, they began to accept applications for the purchase of summer camp vouchers with compensation. The documents are submitted to the Department for the implementation of socially significant programs and projects under the administration of Ulyanovsk. Parents who applied for vacation on time have already sent their children to country health camps with compensation. In addition to the application, the package of documents must contain a copy of the passport of one of the parents, a certificate from the child's place of study and a copy of the birth certificate. All applications received by the department were registered by specialists in the electronic system and in the journal. Based on such a statement, parents or businesses will be able to purchase a camp voucher at a reduced cost. The rest expenses will be partially reimbursed from the regional budget. In 2014, the amount of reimbursement of expenses for a child's rest in a summer health camp amounted to 9875 rubles. Last year, 6 thousand schoolchildren of the city received compensation for children's holidays..
What children's camps offer
Recreational children's camps in Ulyanovsk make up recreation programs taking into account the age of the children. In addition to active recreation and entertainment, they offer health cures. If desired, parents can send the child to a campground. Summer is the perfect time for outdoor recreation, away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Tent camps are often set up next to camp sites. A week in a children's camp is inexpensive. During rest, the child can not only rest, but also practice.
Children's rest in the city is not recommended by many specialists. In recent years, the environmental situation, in particular, the radiation background, has caused concern. After all, next to Ulyanovsk is the Dimitrovgrad Research Institute of Atomic Reactors. Work with radioactive materials is being carried out there. For this reason, parents prefer children's camps, which are as far as possible from the danger zone..