Cost of living in Singapore

Cost of living in Singapore

Cost of living in Singapore

Holidays in this country for many tourists from Russia are still in the category of exotic and inaccessible. Many are worried about whether the cost of living in Singapore is high, how much a weekly tour will cost, whether there are interesting places to visit here?

Representatives of travel companies assure that a vacation in Singapore can be very expensive and, on the contrary, the price will be quite reasonable, given that the flight here is long, tiring and not cheap..

My dear capital ...

In this country, as in the rest of the world, the most expensive and luxurious hotels are located, firstly, in the capital, and secondly, in places where the main attractions are concentrated. In Singapore, such hotels can be found in the area of ​​the main street Orchard Road and Marina Bay, living in a single room will cost a tidy sum (about $ 200 per day in a 5 * hotel, $ 150 - in a 4 * hotel).

Interesting places to stay for tourists visiting Singapore can be found in the theme park or entertainment complex. In addition to their own comfortable housing, they are ready to offer a whole range of entertainment. It is unlikely that you will be able to relax and enjoy the peace here, but it will be fun and a room in a 3 * hotel can be found for up to $ 100.

The main thing is business

Given that the capital plays a major role in the country's economy, business tourism is an important part of the leisure industry. Business hotels are arranged in such a way that allow the guest to absolutely calmly continue their business, meet with partners, conduct negotiations, resolve production issues.

Housing is cheaper, comfort is on top

Singapore is a city that is being built almost in front of the eyes of local residents and visitors from abroad. Therefore, new hotels and hotels appear every year, some of them can be attributed to the middle class..

Not all of them have their own face, a striking architectural solution, but each such hotel serves «Great», daily receiving and seeing off hundreds of travelers arriving for business or entertainment purposes. The cost in such hotels is approximately from 50 to 70 dollars per day (accommodation in a single room 2 *), from 50 to 100 dollars (3 *).

Budget accommodation

The cheapest hotels (from $ 15 per day per person in a five-bed room) are located on the outskirts of the capital, in areas remote from the historical and cultural center. At the same time, they are quite comfortable and safe..

Experienced tourists assure that if you need the most severe savings of available funds, it is quite possible to spend the night in the famous Singapore «red light district». If we exclude the specific entertainment that is popular in the area, everything else is quite decent, and the cost of living in a hostel will not be more than $ 10 per person..

Here you can get acquainted with the beautiful architecture, cuisine of different countries, the airport and the train station are nearby, from where it is easy to continue your journey around the country..
