Coat of arms of Slovakia: photo, meaning, description

Coat of arms of Slovakia

Coat of arms of Slovakia

A small European state with the capital Bratislava recently embarked on an independent path of development. For centuries Slovaks have been looking for a way to freedom and independence. But the lands on which they lived were a tasty morsel for great empires and powerful states located in the neighborhood. The coat of arms of Slovakia is one of the main symbols of the free republic.

Colors and symbols

The compositional construction of the Slovak coat of arms is quite simple, the color palette is also modest. Only three colors and two symbols are used:

  • blue (azure) for the image of a three-headed mountain peak,
  • white (silver) cross,
  • red (scarlet) - the main field of the shield.

Crosses come in various shapes and purposes, the Slovaks preferred the patriarchal (double) cross, besides, clawed at the ends. Such a symbol was used already in ancient Byzantium from the 9th century. He came to the territory of modern Slovakia thanks to the great enlighteners Cyril and Methodius.

The image of three mountains or one mountain with three peaks is also not accidental. It is believed that Slovaks have long inhabited the three regions of the Tatra Mountains, Fatra and Matru, which are shown on the modern coat of arms of the country through these mountain peaks..

Their appearance on the main state symbol is attributed to the XIII century, after a century they were finally fixed on the image. The year is even known when the azure color was chosen as the main color for the mountains - 1848. And although only the Tatras and Fatra remained on the territory of modern Slovakia, and Matra belongs to Hungary, all three peaks are still depicted on the coat of arms.

Patriarchal cross

This symbol was first used by the Hungarians as a sign of the Nitran principality. It is still considered the oldest Hungarian sign, and since 1848 it has been a Slovak national sign. For many believers, he is also a symbol of Christianity..

After World War II, when the Czech Republic and Slovakia, liberated by Soviet troops, became a single state, the patriarchal cross was present for some time on the official symbol of the state. But in 1960, a change took place - the cross gave way to the image of Mount Krivan and a partisan fire, which symbolized the Slovak popular uprising during the war..

One of the oldest symbols, the patriarchal cross, was solemnly returned to the coat of arms of Czechoslovakia in 1990, when the political map of the world began to change rapidly. In 1992, Slovakia, as an independent independent state, finally fixed on the main symbol of the country the image of blue mountains and a silver Christian cross with six ends.


  • Coat of arms of Slovakia