Swiss holidays are traditions. Swiss national holidays
Switzerland Holidays

The only public holiday in the country is the event marking the founding of the Swiss Confederation. It is celebrated in all cantons of the country on August 1. The rest of the holidays in Switzerland, mostly religious, can be called local, since they are individual for each part of the country..
Carnival of monsters
Want to go to the monster ball? Then be sure to visit Lucerne - the most popular tourist city in the country. It is here that, since the XII century, the carnival of monsters has been held annually. You will see a huge variety of monsters and ghosts, in which the locals are happy to dress up. Celebration begins on Fat Tuesday and ends on Ash Wednesday - on the eve of Lent.
On Tuesday, early in the morning (at 5 o'clock), a loud drum roll wakes up the city. This is the signal for the start of the holiday. All day the city is filled with music and crowds of revelers dressed in incredible costumes and masks. In the evening, big concerts take place right on the streets. Carnival ends at midnight.
Friday and Saturday are the days when similar masquerades take place in other towns in the canton. The final chord of the holiday is a concert of monsters, which takes place in Lucerne on the Mühlenplatz square.
Seeing off winter
The inhabitants of Zurich every year celebrate a holiday somewhat reminiscent of the Russian Shrovetide. The date falls on the third Sunday in April, but also captures Monday. The people of the country call the holiday Sechseläuten, and he is also the wires of winter. The culmination of the holiday is the burning of a huge scarecrow.
The residents of the country like the holiday very much, so Zurich is simply overcrowded these days. Depending on how quickly the scarecrow burns out, you can determine the weather for the whole summer. The head of a stuffed snowman is stuffed with a small amount of explosive. After the flame has ignited, an explosion will be heard. And the faster the snowman's head shatters into pieces, the hotter and more sunny summer awaits you ahead..
Geranium Festival
Bern welcomes guests to the Geranium Festival every mid-May. Tuesday and Saturday are traditional market days. Residents of the city can buy fruits, cheeses, vegetables. But in May, the main square of the city of Bundesplatz turns into a huge flower market lined with baskets of geraniums.
But geraniums decorate the city not only in May. The residents of the city love this flower, and you can see geraniums everywhere..