Taxi in Antalya - prices, order. How much does a taxi cost in Antalya

Taxi in Antalya

Taxis in Antalya are represented by yellow cars (mostly cars of European manufacturers), equipped with taximeters (when boarding it is important to make sure that it is turned on by the driver) and a luminous sign "Taksi".

Taxi services in Antalya

At the arrival airport (terminals 1 and 2) you will be asked to take an official taxi (no reservation required). It is worth noting that taxi drivers line up at the airport parking lots in 2 lines: going to the first one, they will take you to the dolmush stop ("Deepo" shopping center), using the services of which you will get to any place within the city, and going to the second line, the driver, if desired, will take you anywhere, including to another locality. If you have any questions regarding travel, they will be answered by an English- and even Russian-speaking employee at the parking lot (he will also explain to the driver if necessary).

It is not customary to catch a taxi on the streets of Antalya - you can get into a free car in parking lots equipped near such significant objects as hotels, shopping centers, markets. Or you can click on a special button for calling a taxi (such buttons are painted yellow) located on poles or trees at intersections (by clicking on this button, you can count on the arrival of a car within 5 minutes).

You can make a call to the car delivery by the following numbers: 24 Taxi: + 90 242 259 1435; Akdeniz Taxi: + 90 242 322 0305; Altinkum Taxi: + 90 242 228 3344; Ataturk Park Taxi: + 90 242 243 1107.

Taxi cost in Antalya

"How much does a taxi cost in Antalya?" - a topical issue for all vacationers in this Turkish city. The information below will help you to understand the prices:

  • for boarding you will be asked to pay 2.5 lira, and for 1 km of travel - 2-3 lira (country trips are charged at 5-6 lira / 1 km);
  • night rates (valid after 00:00 to 06:00) are 50% more expensive than day rates.

Trips around the city are paid according to the meter readings, and if you need to get to another locality, you will pay for travel at fixed prices (there are billboards with rates at taxi ranks), but in any case, it is better to inquire about the cost of the trip before setting off..

On average, a short trip around the city costs 20 liras, and from the airport to the center of Antalya - 50-55 liras.

Getting to the main attractions of Antalya and its environs is more convenient and comfortable with a local taxi. In addition, at night a taxi will help out everyone who will leave bars and nightclubs, because after 22:00 public transport in the form of buses and dolmus stops working..

Photos of taxi in Antalya