Tours to Bodrum (Turkey). Holidays in Bodrum: photos, tours

Tours to Bodrum

Tours to Bodrum

Unfortunately, from the Helikarnassus mausoleum, which adorned Bodrum two and a half thousand years ago and was listed in the list of the seven wonders of the world, today only ruins remain. But all the other wonders and delights of the busiest resort in Turkey will not disappoint the traveler who has bought a tour to Bodrum and is interested in its past and present. Active guests like to spend time here, because Bodrum is famous for clubs, restaurants and the opportunity to surf tirelessly along the rather serious waves of the blue Aegean Sea.

Briefly about the important

  • The airport in Bodrum is located 60 kilometers from its beaches, and therefore travelers will have to take care of the transfer to the hotel. The ideal option is the Havas buses, which regularly run between the hotel area and the terminals..
  • The hotels and the center are connected by fixed-route taxis, and you can go on excursions to the surrounding cities by buses or a rental car. The roads in Turkey are good, but the driving style of some drivers may not seem very correct to Russian motorists..
  • All beaches in the resort are owned by hotels. Tour participants in Bodrum, when booking a hotel, can also choose a beach - pebble or bulk sand.
  • The swimming season starts at the resort in mid-May, when the water warms up to +18. You can comfortably take sea and sun baths until the beginning of November, and the summer heat here is not as depressing as in Antalya. Bodrum is located on the shores of the Aegean Sea in a zone of fairly strong winds. They bring coolness to sunbathers and give the same wave for water sports..
  • Famous Bodrum carpets are made and sold in Chokmakdag village near the resort. The prices here are quite pleasant, compared to shopping centers in the city itself, and watching the weaving process, you can look at the masterpiece you like even at the time of creation.

For the most curious

Among the participants of tours to Bodrum, there are certainly travelers who are not attracted by the idea of ​​spending their entire vacation on the beach. They will find many interesting things to do and far from the sea coast, especially since the resort boasts quite worthy museums and historical monuments. The tomb of King Mavsol and the Museum of Underwater Archeology will attract the attention of those who are fond of antiquity, and cruises on gulets around the peninsula will demonstrate gorgeous views from the sea and help arrange a photo session against the backdrop of exotic landscapes.

Holidays in Bodrum


  • Tours to Bodrum