New Year in Istanbul - photo. Celebrating the New Year in Istanbul (Turkey) 2016

New Year in Istanbul

New Year in Istanbul

This Turkish metropolis is like a colorful cauldron in which Europe and Asia, East and West, antiquity and modernity, tradition and innovation are mixed. For those who prefer to discover different cities and countries from the most unusual side, the New Year in Istanbul is the best way to get to know another Turkey..

Not all inclusive

There are no beaches here, and a rare hotel operates on an "all inclusive" system. The splendor of Istanbul is completely different: in its historical significance, architectural masterpieces, special hospitality and the ability to take each and every one under his caring wing. This city treats every traveler with care, loves cats endlessly and prepares the world's best coffee on the sand..
There is no particular scope for celebrating the New Year here. However, the program of the holiday includes rich decoration of shop windows and restaurants, and illumination of streets and squares, and fireworks after the striking of the clock, and noisy festivities. The main festive events unfold in the area of ​​Taksim Square, Sultanahmed and Kadikoy.

Walking through history

The air temperature here in winter is favorable for walking, and therefore travelers have the opportunity to celebrate the New Year in Istanbul and visit the most famous sights without fear of getting heatstroke..
One of the city's most important architectural treasures is the Blue Mosque, erected at the beginning of the 17th century by Sultan Ahmed I. Its beauty and grandeur are emphasized by six minarets rushing into the sky and magnificent stained-glass windows through which sunlight pours from 260 windows.
The Hagia Sophia Cathedral is no less famous, in which the envoys of the Vladimir prince got acquainted for the first time with the Christian religion. The cathedral was the main temple of Constantinople, and the first stone in its construction was laid by Constantine the Great at the beginning of the 4th century. The dome of Hagia Sophia, despite its grandiose size, seems weightless, and the walls, due to countless windows, are transparent.
Istanbul residents are proud of their city, the most magnificent view of which is from the Bosphorus. Boat trips guarantee an unforgettable experience, and the landscapes you see are the best reason to uncover your camera and take many memorable pictures. Hundreds of ships of various calibers pass through the strait every day, because Istanbul is one of the most significant seaports in the world..

Photos of New Years celebration in Istanbul

  • New Year in Istanbul