Features of the UAE - communication, cuisine, traditions

Features of the UAE

Features of the UAE

Rest in the United Arab Emirates is still affordable for a few Russian tourists, although every year their number will undoubtedly increase. Tourists will have to take into account the national characteristics of the UAE, so that the time spent here leaves only positive emotions and vivid memories..

Sharia law

In this sovereign Islamic state, indeed, everyone - from high-ranking officials to ordinary citizens - lives according to Sharia law. And tourists, too, must obey them in one way or another. The democratization of public life is proceeding at a slow pace; Muslim law is still firmly holding its positions. The way of life in the UAE has a number of features characteristic of the entire Middle East.

Visitors are expected to respect local laws and residents. Any questions about the representatives of the beautiful half of the population of this country are prohibited, that is, you can talk about politics and economics, sports and culture, but you cannot ask about wives, daughters and other relatives.

Behavior rules

Shoes remain outside the owner's doorstep, if he did not offer to leave them. Do not touch food with your left hand when treating a local resident, do not offer him pork dishes and drinks containing alcohol.

Respect the feelings of believers, not take photographs in mosques, try to follow the rules of conduct during Ramadan, especially in public places. In order to attract new tourists to the UAE, the host side removes restrictions on the hotel territory, but in the city or during a sightseeing trip, it is still important to remember the rules.

Eastern taboo

There are things that in no case should be done in the United Arab Emirates so as not to have problems with the law. Prohibitions concern:

  • import of pornographic materials, drugs;
  • photographing important military or economic objects;
  • photographing Muslim women and men without their consent;
  • sunbathing topless on city beaches (in public places);
  • drunk driving.

Penalties that can be applied to a tourist include heavy fines, arrest and imprisonment..

Tourist wardrobe

Going on vacation to the UAE, every tourist should carefully collect their wardrobe. The country is very tough on the clothes of local citizens. Visiting guests, of course, are in a special position, but it is not worth attracting attention and indignant glances. Women should wear special outfits, especially for going out into town or going on a sightseeing trip.
