Taxi in Lviv - prices, order. How much does a taxi cost in Lviv

Taxi in Lviv

Taxi in Lviv

Taxi in Lviv cannot be called the most popular means of transportation: the reason for this is the rather high prices and the well-developed public transport system..

Taxi services in Lviv

Before you hire a taxi, it is important to know that there are both official and private cars running around the city. The latter significantly inflate fares, especially if you resort to their services at the airport or train station.

If you stop your car on the street, the trip will in any case be more expensive than if you ordered a taxi by phone (a private driver will probably charge you an additional fee for driving in bad weather conditions, as well as for idle traffic) ... In order not to be deceived, it is important to know what an official taxi looks like - on the door of the car you will see telephone numbers by which you can contact the dispatcher, on the roof there is an orange lamp, and in the cabin there is a taximeter.

If you need a car, contact the dispatch service of one of the taxi companies:

  • "LvivTaxi": + 380 63 170 07 69, + 380 32 244 50 44, + 350 50 194 44 91;
  • "Taxi Navigator" (in addition to the traditional carriage, the company is engaged in the transportation of pets, courier delivery, service of celebrations): + 380 32 298 60 02;
  • Taxi Express: + 380 32 244 60 86;
  • Taxi "Chance": + 380 32 247 09 09.

If you want to take a taxi that does not harm the environment, there are electric taxis at your service, running around the city: the fare is the same as in regular taxis (3 hryvnia / 1 km).

Car rental in Lviv

You can rent a car in Lviv in such companies as "Hertz", "Budget", "Europcar". On average, you will pay $ 30 / day for this service (for the rental period you will be asked to leave a deposit of $ 300).

Taxi cost in Lviv

Having familiarized yourself with the tariff system, you can find out how much a taxi costs in Lviv:

  • the minimum fare (it will be taken from you, regardless of the distance traveled) - 15 hryvnia;
  • 1 km of track is charged at a price of 3-4 hryvnia;
  • for waiting, you will be asked to pay 21-30 hryvnia (the price depends on the services of which company you use - some of them do not charge an additional fee for idle time).

You can pay for the fare in Lviv taxis only in cash, and you should have small bills with you, since drivers do not always have change from large bills (before the trip, you can agree with the driver about the price or tell him that you will pay for the trip according to the meter readings).

To see as many unique cultural and historical monuments of the Ukrainian city of Lviv at any time, you should take the help of local taxi drivers. If you wish, they will organize a meeting for you at the airport or train station, take you to a hotel or hostel, to temples or museums.

Photos of taxi in Lviv