Excursions in Odessa. Sightseeing tours in Odessa

Excursions in Odessa

Excursions in Odessa

Odessa is a place that is unique in its essence. It is not often that you come across such hospitable and cosmopolitan cities. Odessa, like a big melting pot, gathered in itself representatives of different peoples and cultures and gave birth to something new. This city is unlike any other city in the world. It is not surprising that the flow of tourists never stops in Odessa. Summer, spring, winter - the season does not matter, everyone wants to feel like a part of this small multinational "state".

Excursions in Odessa are multifaceted and varied, like the city itself, because each street of the city has its own special flavor.

City tour

The first acquaintance should start with a walk around the city. Appreciate the unique architecture, look at the locals. For a start, you should see the main tourist spots:

  • Opera theatre;
  • Duma Square;
  • Cathedral Square and Theater Square;
  • Deribasovskaya street;
  • Privoz Market;
  • City garden.

On sightseeing tours in Odessa, they will definitely show all the main attractions to tourists who first arrived in the city. Walking around the city, looking at Primorsky Boulevard, you can see an amazing combination of Gothic and classical buildings; Empire-era houses here side by side with buildings in the Renaissance or Baroque style. Courtyards will help you experience the life of the locals.

Unique Odessa

For those who have already managed to get acquainted with the main tourist spots, it is worth trying something new and unusual. And themed excursions will help here..

  • Crime city. Everyone has heard something about the "dark" past of Odessa. Pickpockets, hardened murderers and thieves, organized bandit groups. This is nothing new for a port city. A tour of the criminal places of Odessa will tell about the most high-profile crimes, introduce you to the biographies of such outstanding personalities as Sonya the Golden Pen and the crime boss Mishka Yaponchik, show the famous Moldavanka district.
  • Religious Odessa. For a long time, the city was at the intersection of pilgrims' roads going to Rome, Palestine and Constantinople. Representatives of various religions flocked to Odessa. It is not surprising that the city is home to Orthodox churches and Muslim mosques, synagogues and many religious cultural centers..
  • History of the Odessa catacombs. An intricate labyrinth of catacombs is located under the entire city, and has many exits to the sea. The excursion will tell about all the significant events that have occurred in the catacombs since the beginning of the 19th century. During the occupation of the city during the Great Patriotic War, partisans and scouts hid here. A unique underground museum will acquaint tourists with their immortal feat.

Photos of excursions in Odessa