Reserves of Ukraine: national, natural reserves of Ukraine

Reserves of Ukraine

Reserves of Ukraine

On the territory of Ukraine, thirteen objects of the natural reserve fund of special value have been created. There is a special regime of protection, recreation and use. For travelers, the reserves of Ukraine are places where hiking trails are laid, and the surrounding landscapes are distinguished by extraordinary beauty and entertainment..

Statistics know everything

Among the reserves of Ukraine there are mountain and steppe reserves, huge and small in area, and in each of them plants and animals listed in the Red Book of the country are protected:

  • The oldest reserve in Ukraine is Kanevsky, located on the territory of the Cherkasy region. Here, reference and unique complexes of the forest-steppe are protected, and five plant species of the Kanevsky Reserve are included in the European Red List. The fauna of this natural site is unusually rich and valuable. 26 species of animals are under the protection of European lists and more than eighty are mentioned in the Red Book of Ukraine.
  • The youngest reserves in Ukraine are Mikhailovskaya virgin lands in the Sumy region and Drevlyansky - in Zhytomyr. In the first, there is a section of meadow steppe and a unique system of bogs, where dozens of rare animals and birds live. A complex of relict forests and their inhabitants is protected in the Drevlyansky Reserve.

For lovers of the history of their native land

One of the most popular tourist reserves in Ukraine is "registered" in the Ternopil region. "Medobory" is a strict nature reserve, where the Zbruch cult center of paganism is located. It was here that the last followers of this cult in Kievan Rus lived, as evidenced by several pagan sanctuaries, burial grounds and settlements. On the territory of "Medoborov" was found the Zbruch idol - a stone four-sided pillar more than 2.5 meters high, made in the 10th century by the followers of the cult.
The village of Gusyatin, closest to the reserve, has an interesting exposition of the local museum of local lore, and there are three routes open for hiking fans in the reserve. Two paths lead to the peaks of the Ostraya and Bohit mountains, and those who are interested in speleology, the administration of the reserve offers to go down to the Pearl Cave, striking with the bizarre beauty of stalactites and stalagmites. By the way, in the village of Gusyatin itself there is an ancient castle and a former synagogue, which are of undoubted architectural value..


  • Reserves of Ukraine