Restaurants in Ukraine - the best restaurants and cafes in Ukraine

Restaurants in Ukraine

Restaurants in Ukraine

Once in Ukraine on business or with a tourist mission, the traveler gets a unique opportunity to taste real borsch, dumplings and dumplings, not modified by anyone's foreign taste. Everything here is as it should be: donuts smell of fresh garlic, bacon invitingly gleams with snow-white sides, and Kiev cutlets look very festive with openwork papillots on the bone. Only in restaurants in Ukraine do guests order menus in whole pages, because the flour of choice is especially unbearable here, and the prices, on the contrary, are pleasant and pretty.

Puzata Khata, or Goodbye Diet

National restaurants in Ukraine all offer a classic set of dishes, without which it is difficult to imagine local cuisine. Networks like "Puzata Khata" or "Katyusha" dumplings are quite affordable establishments, to which, however, it is not a shame to invite a lady or friends. There are such restaurants in all major cities of the country, their interiors look nice and authentic. For lunch here, it is quite possible to keep within 5-7 euros per person, and the meal will be dense and tasty..

Scrolling through the menu

The secret of making one of the most popular Ukrainian dishes - Kiev cutlets - lies in butter, which is embedded in a fragrant chicken fillet. Ideally, the butter should be hammered into the meat with a hammer, which makes the dish surprisingly juicy. The story of its appearance in restaurants in Ukraine is told in different ways, and why Kiev is present in the name of the dish, each source interprets in its own way. Be that as it may, ordering a Kiev cutlet in the capital of the country itself is a sacred thing. The issue price ranges from 2 to 10 euros, depending on the status of the restaurant.

Amazing nearby

Every restaurant in Ukraine is trying to attract visitors with some special feature, because the competition is too high and you can eat inexpensively and tasty at every corner in the literal sense of the word. For example, the Lviv restaurant "Kryivka" resembles the appearance of an underground worker, where at the entrance you need to name the password and immediately drink a glass of homemade mead. In Kiev "Mlyn" chefs will pamper guests not only with an excellent dinner, but also with a fire show and gorgeous views of the Dnieper.
Tipping in restaurants in Ukraine remains a personal matter of the guest, but the service you like can always be noted by slightly rounding up the invoice amount..


  • Restaurants in Ukraine