Coat of arms of Bangladesh: photo, meaning, description

Coat of arms of Bangladesh

Coat of arms of Bangladesh

If we compare the main state symbols of the countries of the planet, it turns out that the coat of arms of Bangladesh is the most peaceful and harmonious. There are no predatory animals and birds on it, which they love to portray in Europe and Asia. Absent on the symbol of the country and weapons, unlike many countries in Africa and Central America.

Peaceful symbol

The coat of arms of the People's Republic of Bangladesh was adopted in 1971, like many other states, this happened after gaining independence and entering an independent road.

On the official symbol of this state, the central role is assigned to plants, in symbolic images you can immediately recognize: ears of rice; water lily; jute shamrock. On the one hand, the plants indicate that Bangladesh is, first of all, an agrarian republic. Much attention is paid to the food program, and the main plant in the country is rice. On the other hand, the use of these particular plants has its own symbolic meaning..

In addition to plants, there are four stars on the coat of arms of Bangladesh, which symbolize the basic principles enshrined in the constitution. However, over time, there was a replacement. Previously, the stars were associated with nationalism, atheism, socialism and democracy. Atheism was replaced by Islam, since the vast majority of the country's inhabitants profess this religion. And socialism received a clarification, now it is Islamic socialism. The principles of democracy and nationalism remained unchanged.

Main plants

Yet the main elements of the coat of arms of Bangladesh are plants. Rice is the staple food grown in the country everywhere. In addition, it is one of the main crops exported to other states, which means it works for the economy..

Jute belongs to plants of the mallow family, is a spinning crop, is used to produce yarn and fiber. Jute crops occupy significant agricultural areas in Bangladesh.

In the center of the coat of arms there is an image of a water lily (Shapla), which is considered a national flower and has a symbolic meaning. The snow-white flower is considered a model of purity, chastity, purity, beauty. The water lily in its sacred meaning is close to the lotus and white lily. These three plants are very often found in the mythology of different countries of Europe and Asia, they are present in fairy tales, legends, tales, ancient rituals.
