Railways of Brazil - map, site, photo

Brazil railways

Brazil railways

Brazil is investing heavily in the development of the transport sector. The number of routes in the country has increased in recent years, but travel options remain limited. Brazilian railways are much inferior to European and American.

Condition of Brazilian Railways

The transport system of different regions differs. The southwestern and southern regions are economically better developed than others. Therefore, different vehicles are available to people there. In the Amazon region, in the north of the country, transportation options are limited. The total length of the railway network is 29,000 km. It differs from European standards and needs modernization. There is no international rail transport in Brazil. Therefore, it is impossible to get to this country by train. One railway line in Bolivia approaches the Brazilian border: Santa Cruz - Puerto Quiharro. After completing the journey on this route, the passenger approaches the Brazilian border. Then he has to continue his journey by car or bus. The country's railways remained unprofitable for many years.

Today, rail transport within the country is represented mainly by tourist trains, which are used for excursions. One of the most popular routes is through the Atlantic Forest. Within the country, passenger traffic usually takes place by road. The Brazilian rail system is used for freight transport. Passenger trains are represented by commuter trains, as well as several trains running around large cities. Track gauge does not meet European standards.

Popular trains

Currently, only two long-distance passenger trains, equipped with carriages with seats, operate on Brazilian territory. They are owned by a large private company in Brazil - VALE S. A. The trains indicated above operate exclusively during the day. Investment in the Brazilian rail system has only started to come in recent years. Thanks to this, it is planned to open several new routes in the near future. The high speed line will run between cities such as Campinas, Rio and São Paulo. Trains are not in great demand among local residents. The Brazilian railways are used by old trains, the level of service in which leaves much to be desired..

Rail transport is controlled by public and private companies. These include SuperVia, America Latina Logistica, etc. The route map and train schedule can be seen on the website of the Ministry of Transport: www.antt.gov.br.


  • Brazil railways