Brazilian national drink. Alcohol in Brazil: prices, export, alcohol export rate

Brazil drinks

Brazil drinks

In a country where there are many wild monkeys and everyone walks in white pants, there are many interesting traditions that local guides willingly tell tourists about. One of them is an endless cup of strong coffee in the morning and at any time during the rest of the day. All Brazilian drinks are an excuse to sit and chat with friends. But coffee is a cult, tradition, customs and mentality.

Brazil alcohol

Alcoholic drinks in a distant South American country are not only respected and welcomed, but also happily served to guests and visitors. Alcohol prices look quite democratic, and a liter of Brazil's national drink, cachasa, costs about three US dollars in a store (data at the beginning of 2014).
Alcohol is prohibited for import into Brazil, it is also produced in it, and there is a restriction on import. In the country of luxurious beaches, it is allowed to take with you no more than 24 units of alcohol, the total volume of which should not exceed two liters. There are no export restrictions and it all depends on the capabilities of the traveler and his suitcase.

Brazilian national drink

The main national drink and a symbol of the eternal maniana in the country is the kasha cane vodka. It is obtained by distilling fermented juice, and the quality of the cachaza differs depending on the degree of maturity and purification. The main trade brands under which Kashasa is sold:

  • Germana
  • Pitu
  • Tatuzinho
  • Paduana
  • Ypioca

The main national drink of Brazil is exported to many countries of the world, but cachas, prepared at hacienda, and not at factories, can be tasted only at home. Among the true admirers of the national flavor, it is valued much higher, and its distillation is carried out in containers of pure copper..

Alcoholic drinks of Brazil

In addition to cachasa, Brazilians respect an alcoholic drink, the secrets of which are carefully kept by local Indians. They treat guests with their aua-hua, who have decided to take a sip of a real witchcraft potion. Aua huasca invigorates and gives strength, and Indian shamans treat dozens of ailments with its help - from depression to ... alcoholism!
Beer occupies an honorable place in the menu of Brazilians. The popular Shopi brand is brewed by the descendants of those who moved to the country of wild monkeys from Germany, and therefore there is no doubt about the quality of the foamy drink. The vineyards of Brazil delight fans of wines with good white "Chardonnay" and red varieties, and Europeans are surprised to discover decent champagne produced on a distant continent by French settlers.
