Independent travel to Croatia

Independently to Croatia

Independently to Croatia

Beaches and healing springs, magnificent landscapes and pretty towns, excellent wines and Mediterranean cuisine attract many tourists to Croatia who prefer to relax in unity with nature and in the company of hospitable people. Those who are not looking for noisy entertainment and round-the-clock animation and prefer a mild comfortable climate prefer to fly to Croatia on their own..

Entry formalities

In order to travel to Croatia on their own or by purchasing a tour, a Russian traveler will need a visa. It can be issued at any visa center in five days, collecting a standard and similar to the "Schengen" package of documents. By the way, holders of double or multiple Schengen or visas of Bulgaria, Cyprus and Romania do not need a visa to Croatia..
Flights to Croatian resorts and the capital of the country are carried out by local and Russian airlines.

Kuna and spending

Croatian Kuna is the country's official currency. Brought dollars or euros can be converted into kunas at any bank branch, exchange office and even at the post office. Hotels do not offer the most favorable exchange rates, and some banks charge a commission. Having saved the receipt of the transaction, you can exchange the unspent Croatian currency at the airport on your return flight. Credit cards are accepted everywhere in the country.

  • It is not difficult to book any hotel or guest house on your own in Croatia. The price of the issue is from 150 kuna per night for a small apartment to 500 kuna per room in a good hotel. The cost of housing also depends on the distance from the sea, and the most unpretentious tourists can use Croatian campsites, where a place for a tent can be rented for 50 kn per day.
  • Visiting sights will cost 10-20 kuna at the entrance to the fortresses and towers, at 30 kuna - to museums and from 100 kuna - to lakes and natural parks. You can rent a bike for 70 kuna per day, and rent an umbrella with a sunbed on the beach for 40-50 kuna.
  • To have dinner for two in a cafe or restaurant, you will have to spend from 50 to 300 kuna, depending on the status of the institution. A plate of risotto costs 50 kunas in a tourist cafe, and fish is traditionally more expensive - up to 150. (All prices are approximate and valid for August 2015).

Valuable observations

As in any tourist destination, in Croatia you can find a pleasant combination of prices and quality of services, you just need to turn slightly away from the popular trails. You shouldn't worry too much about safety here, and therefore hotels or cafes can be chosen on the outskirts for significant savings..


  • Independently to Croatia