Slovenian railways - map, website, photo

Slovenian Railways

Slovenian Railways

Slovenian railways are in good condition. Passengers are transported by rail and road. All roads converge in the central city of the country - Ljubljana. It is the largest transport hub in Slovenia. Regular traffic is maintained between Ljubljana and other localities. The territory of the state is completely covered by railway lines. The stable economy of the country contributes to the development of the transport system.

What makes the railway system different

Slovenia is the former territory of Yugoslavia. The condition of the trains here corresponds to the Western European level. Road transport competes with rail transport. Railroads and highways form a dense network connected to transport systems in neighboring states. Slovenia maintains contact with Italy, Austria, Croatia and Hungary.

Slovenia has two main highways located perpendicular to each other, as well as a network of minor roads. The most accessible means of transport is the bus. The bus service is cheap and guarantees a comfortable journey. Slovenia has a regular bus service, but there is no air transport. Highways are often congested, so trains are becoming more comfortable every day. Trains run between big cities. Information about the movement of trains can be found on the website of the Slovenian railways

Slovenia passenger trains

The best express in the country, InterCity Slovenia, runs from Ljubljana to Maribor. Travel on this train costs approximately 12 euros (2nd class) and 19 euros (1st class). Tickets are offered at tour operators' offices and railway ticket offices. Departure of trains from the main station takes place in all directions. Not only long-distance trains, but also international trains depart from here. The fastest train linking Maribor and Koper departs from this station. Electric trains run constantly to Graz, Salzburg, Zagreb and Rijeka. On the territory of Ljubljana there are 6 stations for passengers and 9 stops. The most important marshalling yard is Ljubljana - Zalog.

When traveling in Slovenia, passengers can take advantage of unlimited travel on the Euro-Domino system. Buying a travel ticket is beneficial for those passengers who plan to use trains on a daily basis. There are regions in Slovenia that are very difficult to get to due to the peculiarities of the relief. Passengers get to such places on comfortable buses.


  • Slovenian Railways