Metro Alicante: scheme, description, photo. Alicante metro maps

Metro Alicante: scheme, photo, description

Metro Alicante: scheme, photo, description

The urban transport system in the Spanish city of Alicante connects it to the suburbs of Denia and Benidorm and is a light rail option. It looks like a light rail and light rail.
It has five lines with a total length of about 110 kilometers. There are 70 stations on the routes, some of which are underground. Every day, the Alicante metro transports at least 20 thousand people, which is almost 7.5 million annually.
The Alicante metro was opened in 1999. It was built on the basis of tram lines that existed since 1905, and suburban railways. Each branch is marked with its own color on the urban transport scheme.
Line 1 is marked in red. Its length is over 43 kilometers. All 20 stations of the "red" line of the train pass in 35 minutes. The second line of the Alicante metro is "green". Its length is almost 9 kilometers, and passengers are served by 14 stations. The "yellow" route number 3 with 17 stations stretches for 14 kilometers. The train takes 32 minutes to pass the third line. The fourth operating line of the Alicante metro is blue-gray. 18 stations are open on it, and all of its 10 kilometers can be covered in 27 minutes. The "blue" fifth line is still under construction, but now passengers can use 14 stations located on 20 kilometers of track.

Alicante metro tickets

Payment for travel on the Alicante metro is made by purchasing tickets from specialized machines at the entrance to the station. The ticket price depends on the zone in which the destination is located. There are six zones in total in the subway..
The entrance to the metro station in Alicante is marked with a special symbol. It is a gray "T" enclosed in a torn orange square with soft, rounded corners..

Photos of Alicante metro

  • Metro Alicante: scheme, photo, description
  • Metro Alicante: scheme, photo, description