Streets of Madrid - photo, name. List of famous streets in Madrid

Streets of Madrid

Streets of Madrid

Madrid is the main city of Spain, consisting of a variety of neighborhoods. During the day it plays the role of the country's business center, and at night it transforms into a bright and noisy place. Many streets of Madrid look very colorful. These include the central arteries, as well as the streets of the Lavapies and Malasana quarters..

Madrid is notable for its contrasts. It has quiet streets and places where lovers of nightlife gather. Modern buildings are combined here with medieval buildings.

The Spanish capital consists of 128 districts and 21 arrondissements. The Centro area is considered the historical center. The most famous sights are located on its territory. A popular area is the Retiro, home to the Prado Museum, Buen Retiro Park, the best hotels and shopping malls. The most prestigious and expensive is the Chamartin area. The financial center is the Tetuan district.

Gran Via

This is one of the main streets of the Spanish capital. The main highway in the city is officially absent. Unofficially, Gran Vía belongs to this category. It stretches for 1.3 km and connects the areas of Salamanca and Arguellos. The most famous buildings of the city are located along the Gran Vía.

The street was founded in 1910 during the reign of King Alfonso XIII. Previously, there were narrow streets on the site of Gran Vía. During the construction of the new highway, the old buildings were demolished. Today Gran Vía is a major artery with numerous hotels, restaurants, cafes and shops. At its intersection with Alcala Street is the most beautiful building in Madrid - the house of the Metropolis insurance company, decorated with a winged statue of victory.

Interesting objects on Gran Vía:

  • skyscraper "Telefonika";
  • the famous "Tea Salon" at the intersection of Gran Vía with Via V. Hugo;
  • bars Abra, Chicote, Gran-Peña;
  • architectural structures in the style of modernism, neo-Renaissance, etc..

Gran Via is the capital's main shopping street. In addition, shopping fans appreciate the streets of Calle Montera, Calle Alcala and Calle Princess.

Plaza Mayor

Plaza Mayor is the main square in Madrid. It is located next to Puerta del Sol at the intersection of Calle de Toledo, Calle de Atocha and Calle Mayor streets. This is the most famous square in Madrid, which is rectangular in shape. It was built to replace the ancient square of Arrabal. Plaza Mayor is associated with the historical events of the country. Previously, auto-da-fe and executions were held here. For the first time, a bullfight was organized on this square. The Plaza Mayor is decorated with a statue of Philip III. Traditionally, numismatists and philatelists gather in the square on Sundays..

Photos of Madrid streets