Education in Spain. Study in Spain - education abroad system

Education in Spain

Education in Spain

Spain is not only about beautiful cities and charming culture, but also a quality education at an international level. Benefits of studying in Spain:

  • A Spanish university diploma is valid in all European countries, in Russia and Latin America;
  • The opportunity to find a job after receiving education (all universities have their own labor exchanges);
  • The ability to independently draw up a curriculum;
  • Affordable tuition fees;
  • Opportunity to become the owner of a bachelor's, master's, master's, research, doctoral degree.

Higher education in Spain

Higher education institutions in Spain are mainly universities. To enter them, you need to have a high school diploma, know Spanish well, pass the Selectividad exam and three subjects (it all depends on which specialty the student chooses). For example, to study in a technical field, you need to pass an exam in physics, chemistry, biology, or geology..

The planning of the educational process in Spain is based on the system of "credits": the accumulated credits allow judging the success of students (1 credit equals 10 hours of classroom lessons). For example, in 3 years, students usually gain 180-270 credits..

You can learn Spanish at the language center. Important: language schools must have a CEELE certificate - this document confirms the quality of teaching.

Good results can be achieved by immersing yourself in the life and culture of a country. For example, you can take advantage of combined programs such as "Spanish and Sports" or "Spanish and Flamenco".

Work while learning

All students dream of finding a part-time job while studying. It is quite difficult to find a job in Spain, but it is still possible.

If you manage to find an employer, you need to issue a special document - a work permit (students can work a maximum of 4 hours a day). Tip: it is advisable to send your resume to relevant sites or contact agencies that provide recruiting services.

During the summer holidays, you can work in Spanish families, looking after children or the elderly, or you can do seasonal work in the agricultural sector.

In addition, if during the internship, the employer likes the work of the interns, he can offer them to work in his company..

A Spanish diploma will allow you to find a job in many countries in Europe and beyond.

Photos of educational institutions in Spain