Suburbs of Las Vegas - photo, what to see

Suburbs of Las Vegas

Suburbs of Las Vegas

The gambling capital of the United States was founded at the beginning of the twentieth century and was at the beginning only a major railway junction. Today, the old cars on the site of the former station have been turned into a museum and cafe, and the center and suburbs of Las Vegas perform one important task - make guests forget about business and problems, allowing them to have a full blast. Casinos and restaurants, strip bars and erotic shows, exciting excursions and interesting museums - everything is possible in the city of passion, passion and big money.

Fly to paradise

Paradise is, based on the administrative division, a suburb of Las Vegas, in which, oddly enough, almost all famous hotels and casinos are concentrated. It is here that the famous La Vegas Strip, a seven-kilometer street with gambling and entertainment establishments, passes. In the southern part of the boulevard there is a symbol of the city - the road sign "Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas!" The international airport is also located in the territory of Paradise.
The Strip's story began in 1941, when a new law forced entrepreneurs to open gambling houses outside the administrative boundaries of Vegas itself. So the outskirts became the most popular tourist destination and grew from the suburbs of Las Vegas to the center of the global gambling industry..

Not a single tape measure... inquisitive guest of Vegas is alive. The opportunity to see the colorful surroundings of the gambling capital of America turns into interesting adventures in one of the most picturesque national parks:

  • In Death Valley, there are not only mountains, dunes, spontaneously moving stones and scorched earth. The highest air temperatures on the planet are recorded here, and precipitation may not fall at all during the year. The Timbisha tribe still lives in the mysterious valley, which used to mine red ocher to make paints..
  • A tour of the Grand Canyon will impress any traveler. One of the deepest and most beautiful on the planet, this gorge is formed by the Colorado River, and its depth reaches 1800 meters in some areas. The most impressive moments of the Grand Canyon excursion are photo sessions on a transparent bridge, which protrudes over the gorge at an altitude of more than a kilometer, and a walk down to the river on donkeys. Those wishing to see a natural monument from the UNESCO lists from a height can order a helicopter excursion.
  • A trip to the Red Rocks Canyon is a great opportunity to arrange a picturesque photo session against the backdrop of unusual stone giants. All shades of the red palette are especially impressively presented to guests at sunrise and sunset, painting huge rocks in bizarre tones.


  • Suburbs of Las Vegas