Tours to Los Angeles. Holidays in Los Angeles: photos, tours

Tours to Los Angeles

Tours to Los Angeles

Any travel to the United States would not be complete without a Los Angeles tour. This is here - the huge Hollywood sign on the high hills, Rodeo Drive with the best shops from Western cinema, Sunset Boulevard, which stretches for 36 kilometers among cafes, restaurants and rock clubs, and golden beaches, where it is always crowded. The city of angels hosts the largest film companies and other world centers of the entertainment industry, and the Americans themselves love this city for a surprisingly light and positive atmosphere on its streets..

History with geography

On the shores of the Pacific Ocean, where Los Angeles is located, as elsewhere in the States, Indian tribes once lived. With the arrival of European ships in the Bay of San Diego in the 16th century, the indigenous people had to make room. By the early 19th century, the small settlement had grown to be the largest in California, and the construction of the railroad and the oil found on the coast soon raised the ratings of the city of angels to new heights..
Tour participants in Los Angeles are surprised to learn that the metropolitan area stretches almost 200 kilometers along the ocean and almost 50 kilometers from east to west. Its historical center is La Plaza, where business districts are concentrated, and in general, the growing city simply absorbed more and more satellites and sleeping areas over time..

Briefly about the important

  • The city of angels lies in the tropics. Its climate provides two distinct seasons, each lasting approximately six months. In May, a dry and hot summer begins, when the temperature often reaches +35 degrees, and there is practically no rain. November starts the wettest season with the highest rainfall in February. Thermometers in winter do not drop below +15 either in air or in water.
  • A common sight on LA tours is atmospheric smog. Due to the large number of cars and industries in the region and its location in a valley surrounded by mountains to the east, the city literally suffocates during the dry season. Precipitation in winter significantly eases the situation, as if "washing away" harmful emissions.
  • The International Airport accepts participants for tours to Los Angeles and from Russia. A direct flight lasts about 12 hours, but tickets can also be purchased via New York or other cities in the United States. These connecting flights are somewhat cheaper..
  • Getting around the city for Los Angeles tours is best done by subway and light rail. Car and bus traffic is often blocked by serious traffic jams during rush hours.  


  • Tours to Los Angeles